
Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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An attachment is a strong, intimate, emotional connection between people that persists over time and across certain circumstances. It does not have to be mutual. Attachment is characterized by specific behaviours in children, such as seeking proximity with the attachment figure when upset or threatened (Bowlby, 1969).

John Bowlby was a psychoanalyst and he himself believed that mental health and behavioural problems could be attributed to early childhood. Bowlby was influenced by the work of Harry Harlow. Harlow wanted to study the mechanisms of how newborn monkeys bond with their mothers to compare how young children bond with their own mothers. He wanted to figure out the main reason they felt a bond to their mother beyond the obvious reasons …show more content…

Typically between eight – twelve months a child develops separation anxiety which is a weary or fretful reaction that infants and toddlers often display when separated from the person to whom they are attached. The next form of attachment identified by Ainsoworth was Secure attachment. This is when the child doesn’t mind being with a stranger just so long as the attachment figure is present (caregiver). When this attachment figure leaves the room and leaves the child with the stranger the child begins to grow unhappy and uncomfortable around the stranger, they become distressed and may whine or cry. Then once the attachment figure returns to the room again to the child, the child seeks comfort off the attachment figure by putting their hands in the air and wanted to be picked up. The last type of attachment style is insecure attachment. This is where the child is completely uncomfortable around the stranger, the child many just ignore the stranger or the child may also get angry in the presence of the stranger. There is two types of insecure attachment. The first type is avoidant attachment and this is where the child avoids the stranger and shows no emotion or interaction. The second type is anxious/resistant attachment is when the child shows a great deal of emotion from being separated from their attachment figure. These children may be emotionally neglected or actively rejected by their attachment figures. Caregivers of insecurely attached infants typically have rejecting or inconsistently responsive parenting

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