
Bourgeoise In The Communist Manifesto

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The Communist Manifesto first came about as a result of the economic and political chaos. Within the document, it distinguishes the class stratification and the struggles within. Also within the Communist Manifesto, it was clear that the production of development involving the lower class (proletariat) and the middle class (bourgeoise) was its clear focus. The document then discusses the class struggles of both the proletariat and the bourgeoise, and soon shows how one class over powers the other. This would soon develop a new form of freedom for the rest of the society. The basic argument of the Communist Manifesto is the struggles within the classes. The bourgeoise was commonly known as the property owners and the proletariat was commonly known as the workers. The class struggle begins with the bourgeoisies. The bourgeoisies society was created from the ruins of the feudal society, they had the advantage of not only progression of industrial commerce, but they also had the advantage of convenient transportation. Due to the advantage of transportation, the bourgeoisies were very popular within distributions to other countries. This was a problem because due to the mass production and transportation of trade between two regions, this created competition …show more content…

It gave us an insight on how class-consciousness is required to create a well-organized production society. When a society has class-consciousness, it gives them an advantage of team work. When they are aware of their class, they understand what is happening around them and also see themselves as a group with common interest to work together as a whole, rather than individual. This shows us that if it was productive in history, it would more likely be beneficial to our society today if we were more aware of our ‘class’ to create an organized

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