
Boundary Violation Case Study

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As as Psychologist, you put yourself in position to help individuals, who may be going through a difficult time in there life. As an Professional they may have an unhappy client at any given time.There are several issues that may come up , there are several listed in the Grenyer & Lewis article in table one. I have picked two I would like to discuss Poor business practices, Boundary Violation. Boundary violation is an complaint , I want to discuss this complaint is an very serious and should be carefully looked at. You have to make sure that there is no inappropriate discussions at the time of the sessions and that there is no physical touch, are no inappropriate language being used . The APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct states in standard 3.02 Sexual harassment …show more content…

Psychologist must protect their licences and make sure that there not making any bad choices that can put them self's in harms way or their client . If an psychologist suspects that an client is having an interest in them they should stop seeing the client and take proper measures to protect there job. Psychologist must learn how to take care of themselves first before able to help a client with there problem,There are tips to self care that suggest that You must be able to take care of yourself so you don't become stressed and over worked, to where your health is failing. You must maintain awareness of your stressors that are around you. Psychologist must give themselves priority , you come first are your no good to help your clients

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