
Boris Godunov's Rule

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Boris Godunov started by being appointed by Ivan IV as one of the two guardians for regents. After his sister’s wedding to Feodor I, Godunov is legitimized as regent for Feodor I. Then, after Feodor’s death in 1598 Godunov is elected unanimously by the land assembly. During his reign he exiles an illegitimate son of Ivan IV’s, Dimitri, to prevent rebellion. Later on in 1591, Dimitri dies at age seven. Godunov is rumored to have killed Dimitri. The lands that were lost to Sweden in 1583 (the Livonian War) are recovered under his rule. Godunov increases the Russian presence in the conquered Siberia. Godunov also introduces a new act to strengthen rural stability. It denied the peasants any right of transferring their labor from one landowner

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