
Booker T Washington Vs Dubois Analysis

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Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois have been prominent figures of Black history since the beginning of their careers. Both men are known for attending to issues of their community, as well as leaving a permanent mark on the question as to how Blacks should achieve equality in America. Although both of them fought for a common cause, each of them approached the question differently. Washington endorsed a slow process of independence which focused more on economic issues while DuBois strived for a much broader spectrum of freedom, insisting on full civil rights in all areas. One could even say that their different points of view on the subject divided the Black community into two different camps. After reviewing the life and the work of both men one can come to the conclusion that W.E.B DuBois, although the more radical, and the less preferred of the two, made contributions far more significant to the advancement of Black people than Booker T. …show more content…

Born into a high class family, he was able to experience freedom in a way that many other Blacks did not. Once his father ran out of money they moved in with his mother’s family, although their economic standing was not as high as that of his paternal family, his maternal side, the Burghardt, occupied a position of respect within their community . Throughout his childhood he worked in order to support his family, and even more so when his mother could no longer work due to a stroke. Du Bois’ worked had the opportunity to attend an integrated school which allowed him to compete with Whites academically without fear. This open and free environment in which DuBois lived allowed him to expand his horizons much more than Washington was allowed to. His experience being free both legally and academically speaking contributed to the manner in which he handled issues of race throughout his

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