
Booker Dialectical Journal

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Saturday December 7th, 1991 (11.08 a.m.) As Booker flicked through the pages of a gossip magazine, he unconsciously fell into a synchronized rhythm with the audible ticking of the wall clock. Each page turned was another second passed, and he had just about exhausted all the reading material in the waiting room of his local doctor. Tom had been in the examination room for nearly an hour and throughout the interminably long wait, the muscles in his neck and shoulders had become increasingly taut until his upper body throbbed painfully from the tension. Closing the magazine, he tossed it onto the table with a weary sigh and maneuvering his head slowly from side to side, he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and attempted to massage away some of the stiffness in his muscles. The clock continued its cyclic tick, tock, tick, tock and just as he was contemplating jumping to his feet and ripping it from the wall, the exam room door opened. “Dennis, can you step in for a moment, please,” Doctor Timothy …show more content…

Seconds later, Booker’s tranquil face came into view and he managed a tense smile. “Sorry,” he mumbled, his cheeks flaming with embarrassment. He felt like a fool because he knew both Booker and Levine were trying to help him, but he was struggling to control the fear that was steadily rising, making it difficult for him to breathe. When Booker grinned back, he relaxed slightly. “Don’t apologize,” the dark-haired officer murmured, and taking Tom’s cold fingers in his, he gave them a reassuring squeeze. “Just keep looking at me and it’ll be over before you know it.” Taking an unsteady breath, Tom waited for the indignity to begin. Several long seconds passed before he felt a slick finger pressing against him. “Just relax, Tom and remember to breathe,” Levine instructed softly and without further pause, he gently inserted his

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