
Book Summary: The Hunger Games

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What would you do if you were forced into a game where you were forced to kill to fight for your death. Losing is death and winning is fame . You are being killed by others who have been practicing their whole lives.Each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to go into the hunger games they go into the hunger games and they have to run and go to the table to go get they bag for the other people from different districts and they have to make sure no one's looking before they they kill them and when all of the people go different ways in the hunger games they have secret cameras everywhere to broadcast them on big tv screens in front of all the districts and the rich people while the people in the hunger games are hiding and killing each other. The Capital killing children that are almost to the edge of the ring the caption told his worker to make fire and trees falling so katniss can fall back into the hunger games like katniss and peeta was together and they made evil bull dogs to go after katniss and peeta and they had to run and they had to run back to the place where they came in when they came in the hunger games and they had got on top of the building so they wouldn't get hurt. …show more content…

How, because the book is written in the first-person perspective of katniss On-screen, however, several changes were made to how the story is revealed, rather than using voice-overs or other first-person conventions. Thus we see scenes showing things motivating the action that Katniss would have had no way of knowing.When katniss and peeta was talking to each other and when cato group was together and came together and tried to kill katniss while she was climbing in the tree there was 3 different types of person perspective.
She's fiery, she's strong, she's realistically confused when put into


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