Diana Marrey D. Tenorio Principles of Management Masters of Business Administration University of Southeastern Philippines The Way of the Shepherd A Book Review “The Way Of the Shepherd” is a book written by Dr. Kevin Leman and William Pentak. This 117-pages book discussed seven ancient principles to managing people. Every chapter focused on a principle paired with a comparison between tending a flock of sheep and managing people. The author’s target is to introduce to the readers the concept of creating genuine relationships with those you are managing and to motivate them to follow their leader. The first chapter entitled, “Know the Condition of Your Flock,” the authors Dr. Leman and Dr. Pentak focused on the concept of getting to know the people that you are going to manage. To be an effective …show more content…
While the sheep are busy eating the grasses in the field, the shepherd must search for green pastures. Just like the shepherd in the fields, a leader in the business world must know where his team is headed, aligning their strategy with the group’s goals. They must step up in order to lead their group. In this chapter, it was also emphasized that just like the gentleness of the staff, a good leader must use persuasion and not coercion. The sixth chapter of the book entitled “The Rod of Correction” talks about having a constant improvement in your group. A shepherd must carry a rod which is used for protecting and guiding the flock of sheep. Using your authority as a leader wisely is important in maintaining loyalty and trust among the people in your group. A good leader must protect his people against outside threats, approach them with discipline that can help them learn and keep them updated with the progress of your
There is a great importance put on business leadership, this is directly due to how a business not only functions but in how fruitful the company can become. A great leader essentially can take a business plan that is weak yet turn it into a success, whereas a poor leader stands a higher chance of ruining the best of business plans. That is why it is essential to develop effective leadership throughout a companies entire management program at all levels. How does one develop or retain strong leadership? Companies must be focused on hiring strategies that encompass very specific parameters, building from within whilst creating a strong foundation for employee development and succession planning. Leadership is essential in any organization. The style and theory embraced determines whether the company will or will not achieve their goals. in all cases theory must be embraced, as a companies theory, style, and strategy is greatly dependent on the industry the company is in (Sadler, 2014). “The behavioral theory is one of the widely used theories of management. It suggests that leaders are made and not born. It gives room for training to install leadership traits in leaders at the expense of denying them a chance. There are various leadership styles embraced by companies (Cyert, & March, 2005).” This paper takes a look at the management styles of two specific
Every group, team, or organization has a leader. That leader has to have certain qualities to be well respected and followed by his or her following. Not only does the leader have qualities and responsibilities to maintain but also the group’s members. Both the leader and individuals in the group must have respect, fear, and honesty among each other to be a productive group.
While reading through each chapter I was challenged to consider the conflicts I have faced that came as the result of lacking a manager to accompany my leadership. As a pastor,
Over the past semester there have been so many great things I have learned in this class. Since the start of my education at Southwestern Assemblies of God, I have looked forward to taking this course more than any other. I am glad I had the opportunity to take it with a knowledgeable and wise professor. Throughout my life, the concepts of management and leadership have always been intriguing. Prior to my time here at SAGU I attended a leadership school called Masters Commission USA in Lewisville, Texas. There I learned the basic principles of how to become an effective leader. Although I have had a small amount of training in the past, it has been amazing to learn under your teaching. Being an effective manager is a daunting task to say the least because of the weight it carries. I definitely feel more equipped after taking your course. The concepts I am going to discuss in this paper have been reiterated over the course of the semester and have changed the way I view management. These principles that have changed my perspective are: the idea that Jesus is the center of our success, the core of management is servant leadership, and finding the balance in being a goose, an eagle, and a turkey. These principles are the key to becoming a successful
The topic of leadership evokes curiosity about our leaders and their approaches in decision making, leadership styles and the effectiveness of their leadership. At time leaders are critiqued for their actions or views on different business affairs. In today’s working environment leaders set the tone, vision, and goals of any organization. Leadership has a huge impact on the culture of an organization and how people communicate within the organization (Northouse, 2009). The actions of leaders should inspire and positively impact their followers. The approach of leaders in handling adversities highlights many features of their character.
Abstract: There are numerous definitions of leadership, all of which contain elements related to people (the leader and the follower(s)), communicating in person or by the written word, actions (organizing, directing, coaching, and/or motivating), and for a purpose (meeting a goal(s) or accomplishing a task(s)) (ADP 6-22) (Fisher 2015) (Bolden 2013) (Hogan 2005). Additionally, everything done occurs within a given context. Effective leaders are poised, proficient, pertinent, and practical in the application of the art of leadership. This means leaders are ready to engage the group with effective methods and
After completing the two readings, “Why People Follow” and “Salsa, Soul, and Spirit”, I now have a better understanding of leadership techniques that could strengthen communities as well as the performance of companies. I wasn’t very surprised when seeing the four needs of followers from “Why People Follow”: trust, compassion, hope, and stability. I thought that those were all characteristics that were ideal to any strong and effective leader. Of the four, I felt the most surprise with compassion. I didn’t know how much being compassionate could have a lasting impact to those that follow you. I thought before that leaders would focus more on instructing their workers rather than give love to those that listen. I saw on the reading that those that have compassionate leaders are far
In addition, leadership itself can be described in various forms and through the highlight of different skill sets, but the one thing that all definitions have in common is that “leadership involves influencing the attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and feelings of other people” Spector’s work (as cited in Curtis, de Vries, & Sheerin, 2011, p.306). When the skill set of a leader is compared to that of a manager, true differences are noted. Some of these key differences are apparent even in the approach utilized to reach the desired goals. While a manager directs, a leader transforms, a manager sustains and a leader improves, a manager controls, a leader motivates, a manager’s focus is on short-term goals and a leader’s is long-term based, managers ask how and when, while
Leaders are some of the most influential individuals in any society. They have the ability to influence those around them with various leadership styles including coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching. Effective leaders consistently adapt to the environment around them to either enhance or correct any situation facing them. Within these leadership styles the most effective style has been considered that of the authoritative style. This style brings individuals together, builds self-confidence, and easily adapts to the environment around it.
In his book Maxwell shows the reader the paths that are adoptable to achieve the role of a leader. This book emphasizes on the servant leadership and about the significance of helping others to achieve the common goal. The techniques mentioned in the book revolve around instilling love and confidence in the followers and gaining their respect. Maxwell accepts the diversity among people and
Leadership is, and always has been, a vital aspect of social and economic constructs. It is essential to the survival of societies, industries, organizations, and virtually any group of individuals that come together for a common purpose. However, leadership is difficult to define in a single, definitive sense. As such, theories of leadership, what constitutes a great leader, and how leaders are made have evolved constantly throughout history, and still continue to change today in hopes of improving upon our understanding of leadership, its importance, and how it can be most effective in modern organizational cultures.
The authors of “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You” are Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones. Goffee is a founding partner of the organizational consulting firm, Creative Management Associates, professor of Organizational Behavior at London Business School, professional speaker, and an author of numerous books. Gareth Jones is the co-author and a Fellow of the Center for Management Development at London Business School, a visiting professor from IE Business School in Madrid, and is an author and speaker as well. Their main contention in their book “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You” is that numerous or most companies in the world are not led by “true leaders,” but they are simply managed by pencil pushers and employees playing different roles on the company’s professional stage. In my evaluation of the book “Why Should Anyone be Led by You” written by Goffee and Gareth, I will be using different personal examples from my own life to expound on the book’s strengths, my likes, and the book’s limitations and weaknesses as well.
“Leadership is influencing others by your character, humility, and example. It is recognizable when others follow in word and deed without obligation or coercion”.( Sonny Newman, president of contract manufacturer EE Technologies)
A leader is defined as a person with responsibility to influence one or more followers and directing them to achieve a set objective (Sethuraman, 2014). In order to achieve that set of objectives effortlessly, effectively, and efficiently, the most important and valued trait of a leader is an effective leadership styles. Effective leadership styles are required in every organization at every level to be successful. The success or failure of an organization depends on the quality of leadership particularly on the part of top management. An effective leadership style can be developed on the basis of understanding of the situations (Sethuraman, 2014). Top management should know which leadership style is needed based on the situation to be most effective to gain trust and respect from their employee. There is no single method of influencing the behavior of employees for every situation. The employee’s level of knowledge on the task and can determine which leadership style that will be most effective for the situation. Preparing leaders to lead
In the book The Servant, the author James C. Hunter discusses Servant Leadership, and the impact it has on every aspect of life. The book begins with a middle-aged man, John, who has it all, a supportive wife and kids and an authoritative job as a manager at a glass factory. John however, feels his life is falling apart, his employees aren’t respecting him and his relationships with his wife and kids are becoming distant and negative. In an attempt to make a change, John attended a week long religious retreat that’s main focus is Servant Leadership. The attendees at this retreat were all very different, their careers varied greatly, and their views on how to be a leader were not alike either. In the end though, they all agreed on one thing, making a change to become a Servant Leader was going to reshape their lives, through both their careers and relationships.