
Book Review Of Piaget And Vygotsky

Decent Essays

For many years education has been an important issue around the world and for many years people have studied how cognitive development occurs. Piaget had the idea that knowledge develops from an interaction between nature and nurture. In “EdPsych,” by Lisa Bohlin, Cheryl Cisero Durwin, and Marla Reese-Weber the authors talked about Piaget and Vygotsky. The book mentioned that both Piaget and Vygotsky argued that cognitive development is the result of a complex interaction between environment and heredity. To understand Vygotsky’s theory it is important to understand what was Vygotsky’s perception about the process of learning in a child. Vygotsky focused on social interactions in the development of cognitive process like memory, solving problems, and self-regulation. Vygotsky’s believed that the Zone of Proximal Development is different in all students because some students may have their Zone of Proximal Development narrower than others. This means that those students with a narrow Zone of Proximal Development would need more assistance compared to those who do not have their ZPD narrow. In scaffolding, the learner is in control while the more capable individual is not. This allows the two individuals to have a pushing and pulling development in their life. A pushing and pulling development is where both of the individuals learn from each other not just the learner from the more developed individual. Vygotsky’s also focused on the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The

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