
Book Review: Heat By Mike Lupica

Decent Essays

This summer I read an amazing book called Heat by Mike Lupica. This was an awesome book because it had a lot of action and detail in the book, I never wanted to put it down. The protagonist in the book Heat was Michael and he was faced by many conflicts and in the end he always found out a way to get through all the rough times in his life. Michael came from Cuba on a boat to the United States with his dad and his brother so they could try to start a better life in the United States. Michaels Dad dies at a young age in a fight leaving Michael and his brother Carlos by themselves. For two years they lived by themselves without anybody finding out That Michael's Dad died. They didn’t wanted anyone to find out until Carlos turned eighteen and …show more content…

I would recommend this to those people because it was alway hooking me in and I never wanted to put the book down. The baseball part is about Michael and his Clippers team when they made it all the way to the Little League World Series. The dream of Michael the protagonist in the story it is to make it to the Little League World Series and he does and that makes the book so interesting to me because I can relate to it. The cliffhangers in the book are really good. Usually in books when the chapter ends I like to take a break but in this book I never wanted to put it down. The baseball in the book is a little unrealistic but it’s ok because I still enjoyed it and you should read it if you enjoy baseball and cliffhangers in one …show more content…

The park was a significant setting because they always went there on there free time and met the really important girl in the story Ellie. Ellie was kinda like Michael's girlfriend but they never dated they're like best friends. Until they get into little of a fight because El Grande was Michael's favorite pitcher in the MLB and she never told him that he is her dad but they figured everything out and they became really good friends and Michael even went over Ellie's house. They baseball field is like the biggest setting because that is where more than half the hole story happens. Michael loves baseball and his dream was to play at the yankee stadium and he did so the baseball field is a really important setting in the book. The setting in the book Heat is definitely and big outcome of how this book plays out from beginning to

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