Growing up in an all LDS member family, the Book of Mormon has been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. Between personal study, reading it together as a family, sharing it with my friends, and pondering its message, there is always something that brings me back to reading it over and over again. I love the quote, “sooner or later every member of the Church must discover the scriptures for themselves.” And I truly believe that from discovering the scriptures, and more specifically the Book of Mormon, it has helped me to recognize why I keep coming back to the same book. I’ve noticed that I continually feel my strongest emotions when I read the Book of Mormon. The words and stories the book speaks about feels good in both my heart, but also in my mind. I have a sense of comfort and peace as I read the everlasting truths accompanied by how much the writings make sense in my head. Most people look for that sense and feeling of correctness in the heart, but for myself, the combination of intellect and feeling is what truly testifies that the Book of Mormon is a divinely inspired book. There have been periods of my life that I have gone without reading the Book of Mormon daily, and compared to when I have …show more content…
The spirit is so strong when I partake of its words and the confirmation of both mind and heart is too strong to deny. The effects it has had on my life and those around me verifies of its truthfulness and divine quality. This book has been so impactful in my life and I am so confident about my evidences for its inspired words that I can not wait for the upcoming day that I’m able to receive my mission call and go share of its inspired doctrines to all those that I can teach. I would not be the same person without this book and so I continue to re-read it as much as I
One might be fooled by the title of Joana Brooks book The Book of Mormon Girl. While the book may seem like it is aimed at a specific audience, its chapters reveal stories and thoughts that have a broad appeal. The book shares valuable insight about the Mormon culture, but its core is about how you fit into the religion, culture, or tradition that you were raised in or chose to be a part of later in life. The Book of Mormon Girl is divided into two parts; the first part being a recount of her childhood and life in general as a member of an incredibly dedicated Mormon family. Brooks details her “unorthodox Mormon story” in a way that is both affectionate and critical as the daughter of an LDS bishop. As a young child, her imagination was full
of a holy book he said had been engraved on gold plates by an American
When will the end come? It is human nature for humans to ask questions. Many of these questions are without answers and there is no possible way to come up with one. A common question that plagues the human race is “When will the world end?” For thousands of years, astrologers and psychics have been trying to come up with clues to when it all will end. There is a source, the Bible, which aids humans, specifically Christians, in trying to come up with some answers. Many places in the Bible such as Revelations, Ezekiel, Matthew, Daniel, and I Corinthians all give some clues to how and when the end of the world will come. Two articles that give some insight on this subject are “Visions or Heaven, Dreams of the End” by
Generally, I find the theology behind the numerous aspects of the Bible not only, helpful, but also fascinating. Learning about the four different views about God’s role in the inspiration of the Bible makes me more aware of the theology behind certain doctrines and principles I may not have been aware of. This unit has forced me to tear down my assumptions about the Bible and go into the Bible with a new perspective of innocence. Through having an open-mind I am able to have important conversations with people, about the Bible, from all Christian backgrounds. Additionally, learning about the multitudes of translations of the Bible, and how they fall into three distinct categories, has helped me understand there are different purposes and intended audiences for each translation of the Bible. Before, I struggled with the fact that there were so many English translations of the Bible, but now I understand each one
Film adaptations are supposed to capture the essence of a book they are based on; however this is not the case with Real Women Have Curves. The play, written by Josefina Lopez emphasizes the collective struggle and how women are there to support each other. The film adaptation, only co-written by Josefina Lopez displays an individualistic and almost selfish point of view, while emphasizing the individual struggle. The play and the movie are quite distinct, not only do they communicate different messages, but the characters' shift in personality, therefore drastically changing the entire storyline.
Mormon culture has developed over the years in many different ways. I never knew its significance until I observed many different people’s lives on the Brigham Young University-Idaho’s campus. They all have the similar beliefs, ideas, knowledge, behavior, material creations that are learned and shared, which was transmitted through a language. The specific culture shares many beliefs, but yet there are differences in these subcultures that we find in Mormonism. The differences have to do with their personalities, personal influences, and the opinions that come out of those things.
Mormonism is known as one of the most successful (in present time) and government involved religions from the 1800’s. Joseph Smith, who had much curiosity in religion, and what was real and what was made up, founded the religion. He claimed that Jesus Christ and God himself visited him and that they told him, .all denominations have strayed from the truth and that he should not join any of them. After that event, he didn’t think much of it and moved on through his life. Once he told his father of his vision, he was scorned, and went to seek forgiveness. When praying for his sins to be relinquished he received a vision by the angel named Moroni, who spoke of a book written on gold plates and buried in a nearby hillside. As Smith went to the gold plates, he continued translating what became the Book of
Although many will claim reading the scriptures and saying prayers are the “primary answers” to any situation, I want to share with you how I have found studying the Book of Mormon is one of “The Primary Answers” to protection and lasting conversion in our lives. The fiery darts of the adversary have little or no effect upon us when we begin a serious study of the Book of Mormon; we are protected through the promises of the Lord who said “whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction” (1 Nephi 15:24). We are also promised by a modern day prophet, Ezra Taft Benson, “There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow path.” (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1986, Ensign) There is no other path to true conversion and staying on the path which leads us to the tree of eternal life and that of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
People and religion are a part of everyday life. The world is sure to be empty without the existence of God’s creation. When people and religion are viewed as different, the history, beliefs, and practice are formed unrealistically by outsider, more so than an insider. In an interview with a LDS, the author attempts to write and summarize a Mormon‘s journey through life with God and others.
One of the largest struggles for members in the church is animosity of non-members. On one hand, many express their dislike of the LDS church without even knowing what Sacrament Meeting is or the full the title of the “Mormon church” (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). On the other hand, there are a number supposed experts about Mormon doctrine. Some have belonged to the Church themselves at one point, leaving after finding unresolved dissonance between their beliefs and the Gospel. Others are often learned scholars, criticizing the Mormon doctrine to prove their own views. The following paper involves the latter of the two in an analysis of Ezekiel 37:15-17, a Biblical scripture that the LDS Church believes to refer to The Book of Mormon.
The Sermon on the Mount is a sermon given by Jesus Christ found in the book of Matthew in the Holy Bible. The beginning of this sermon includes a list of blessings called the Beatitudes. Jesus uses these to explain God’s favor towards those who are striving for righteousness. For those who had come to believe and follow Jesus as the son of God, every word that he spoke in the Sermon on the Mount was intended as words of encouragement for Jesus’s disciples and were taken as such. For those who were skeptical, the crowd, that Jesus was truly the son of God, Jesus’s words took on a totally different meaning. The Beatitudes, simple words that promote the humility of man, were explicit words of encouragement for Jesus’s disciples. Yet at the same time, to the crowd listening, the Beatitudes were an implicit invitation to become men of God by believing that this man is God in the flesh, God in spirit, God almighty, God omniscient, God omnipresent, and God omnipotent.
The writings, known as the Book of Mormon, describe how some Israelites traveled to the Americas to become the indigenous tribes (Gutjahr 7). The books and Joseph’s teachings laid out a faith that seemed radically different than any other. But Mormonism shares roots with other religions; it began as a form of Trinitarian Christianity. Like Christianity, it builds on Judaism; Mormonism also connects with the Jewish history as the Book of Mormon describes the families of a lost tribe of Israel. Like Protestantism, Mormonism can be considered a reformed version of Christianity. Mormonism, in fact, has much in common with Islam—both have Abrahamic roots and a modern prophet and sacred text. Mormon ideas may seem radical in some areas, but are Christian in many fundamental aspects. Mormons believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, although they see them as separate beings. They accept the Old and New Testament as the work of God, and believe in many Christian ideas such as sin, divine revelation, and God’s eventual return. The main difference, then, is simply that Mormonism is newer than other religions, and thus assumed to be invalid. As Noah Feldman summarizes, “Antiquity
The sermon at the mount is a collection of teachings and sayings that Jesus preaches to people at Galilee. It takes place after Jesus had been baptized by John the Baptist. This is the longest teaching by Jesus in a single preaching. It is found in the New Testament in the book of Matthew. It transverses chapter five to seven of the Gospel of Matthew. The main theme of sermon of the mountain is how people should relate with other people and God. The sermon is preached at a mountain when Jesus saw the crowd and his disciples’ were following him, he sat at a level ground on the mountain and started to preach. The Preaching’s can be divided it four major parts; The Beatitudes, Lord’s Prayer and parables.
I learned something wonderful from the text that still resonates in my heart. I learned that every life can have divine purpose and blessing, if centered and committed to its creator God. Looking through the times and characters covered through the
Member of the church prefer to be recognized as Latter Day Saints though there are many different ways to call them both politely and discriminatory. The above way is however the most common and acceptable. The church of Jesus Christ for latter day saints was made official in 1830 by Joseph Smith he and another man by the name of James J Strang would go on to change the name in different ways over the years until there deaths. The church was formed in New York April,6 1830 It is said that James S strang claimed he was ordained by angels and asked to take over the matriarch for the church and he felt Joseph Smiths presence this claim just so happened to take place the same hour Joseph Smith was murdered even though he and James were over 200 miles away from each other . Members of the church have