
Boo Radley Prejudice Quotes

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Irony drives our lives. In most cases, people experience discouragement from others when chasing after their heart’s desire. Ironically, sometimes those discouragements drive a person’s yearning to achieve the unlikely. In Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, the author parallels Boo Radley to Maya Angelou, showing how an expanding perspective of prejudice leads to the overcoming of ignorant assumptions.
In Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the author utilizes the theme of an expanding perspective to show how Boo Radley longs to show Jem and Scout that Maycomb’s opinion of him is incorrect. First, Boo takes interest in Jem and Scout, thus broadening his perspective on life, and leaves them gifts, such as gum and Indian head pennies, in the …show more content…

My sister, Jacquelyn, was diagnosed with infantile onset Krabbe Leukodystrophy, a degenerative, neurological disease that took away her voice and left her to rely on a wheelchair, feeding tube and oxygen tank. Because she had already shown symptoms, she was ineligible for cord blood transplant. Krabbe Leukodystrophy helped my mother see prejudice differently. Public tasks were impossible to finish without ignorant stares at my baby sister. After Jacquelyn’s death at four years old, my mother went to testify in front of the Senate, that SB 1072, otherwise known as “Jacquelyn’s Bill,” should pass so that California’s Screening Panel would include Krabbe Leukodystrophy. Many who opposed the bill assumed that, even when treated, children with the disease have no quality of life. However, this could not be more false. Children who receive treatment have the chance of being completely normal and without disease. By not voting for SB 1072, the congressmen and women show that jumping to conclusions can devastate someone’s life. A life such as the families who find out their child is too late for treatment and will likely pass away before their second birthday. My mother faced prejudice for these people, just as Boo Radley and Maya Angelou

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