
Boo Radley Isolation

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In any place there are outsiders, people who don’t fit in with the majority. Sometimes the difference is something that cannot be changed (race, gender, etc.), but other times it can be altered (opinions or beliefs). When people have difficulty living in an environment where they are a minority because they are discriminated, they tend to adapt by either changing themselves to fit in, or altering their surroundings the best they can. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird expresses many opportunities to observe this in the setting of 1930’s Maycomb, Alabama. Specific aspects of the novel reveal how Boo Radley, Scout, Jem and Aunt Alexandra all attempt to adapt to their environments when they struggle to fit in with the majority. They find themselves …show more content…

For many years, Boo Radley has been in a complex situation, one unlike that of anyone else in the novel. Mr. Arthur Radley, known as Boo to Jem and Scout has always lived in Maycomb, but almost never makes appearances outside of him home, located behind the schoolyard. After an incident where Boo was arrested, Mr. Radley convinced the judge to let him stay at home, as long as he “gave no further trouble” (page 13). Boo never left the house again for fifteen years after this. He was left out of society for so long, that he eventually became an outsider.though he personally knows very few people, mostly everyone knows of Mr. Arthur Radley Instead of trying to adapt to the modernized version of Maycomb, he immaturely remained inside his house. Al. This shows that Boo is a coward because …show more content…

There is a peculiar weekend where Atticus is busy with the Robinson court case, so he had to stay in town for a few days, rather than coming home each night. They stay under the care of Calpurnia during this time. Generally Atticus would take them to church on Sunday mornings, but with his absence, they were unable to do this. Calpurnia decides to take them along with her to the First Purchase African M.E. Church, a place where Scout and Jem are the only white people. This is the first time that they have been of the minority race in a particular situation. This is a rarity for them, and it causes them to feel very uncomfortable. Prior to Calpurnia’s explanation, some of the blacks are confused why she has brought the children with her when they belong to their own church. Some treat them with respect, “When they saw Jem and me with Calpurnia, the men stepped back and took off their hats; the women crossed their arms at their waists, weekday gestures of respectful attention” (page 157-8). While some are intimidated by the idea of white people invading their entirely black church, others are simply confused. One character in particular, Lula, is deliberately rude to Calpurnia, and questions her about her companions. “I wants to know why you bringin’ white chillun to n*gger church.’... ‘You ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here-

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