
Bonfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Paper

Decent Essays

A Russian-American Urie Bonfenbrenner developed the Ecological Theory. This theory involves interactions of a child’s entire ecosystem such as their Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosytem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem (Wong, Hall, Justice and Hernandez, 2015). Each of the five systems can specifically interfere with one’s ideal development. Picture this as a circle with the culture in the center. The family, peers, and local community surrounds the culture. The mesosystem interacts with the microsystem. The exosytem surround the microsystem. The macro system (the last circle) surrounds the exosytem.

Microsystem (family, peers, and local community) is the child’s closest environment. The interactions of this system help construct their socialization (Wong, Hall, Justice and Hernandez, 2015). The Mesosystem joins with microsystem. Interactions of the mesosytem could be rejections of the child’s family that results in problems developing positive interactions with their peers. The Ecosystem (general society and culture) affects the child’s immediate setting even though it may not have interactions with the child (Wong et al, 2015). For inference, the dad job gets a promotion however; it calls for him to go out of town. This change effects the mother’s normal duties and now she cant devote as much time with the child. The macrosystem is …show more content…

It’s mentioned that due to regular colleges students experiencing the feelings of uneasiness, out of place and confusion may lead them to search for spiritual or religious groups for definitive answers of what they are experiencing according to Love and Talbot (2009). The purpose of this article is to explain the lack of spirituality on campuses and rationalize of such need and importance of having more spirituality on campuses. The authors discuss how spiritual development connection to other areas of developments of ones

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