
Bobbie Ann Mason In Country Essay

Decent Essays

The Vietnam War divided the country and led to several americans searching for not only their identity and morals, but the morals of the nation as a whole. Many people questioned what good the fighting was for and saw more and more news coverage about the horrible failures of the War leading to a mistrust in the U.S. government. In Bobbie Ann Mason’s book, In Country: The Story of an American Family, Bobbie Ann Mason tells a coming of age story about Samantha Hughes who searches for understanding and meaning in a War that has affected her family and country greatly. Using dialogue and plot construction, Mason successfully examines the changes in morality towards violence and war.

In country, follows Samantha Hughes a teenage girl who lives in Hopewell, Kentucky. Samantha’s dad was sent to Vietnam a …show more content…

Her Uncle, Emmet, is also sent to Vietnam only when he comes back to the United States he suffers from PTSD and becomes a hippie. After Emmet returns from War Sam’s mother, Irene, takes care of him and eventually lets Emmet be the caretaker of Sam and the house as she moves to Lexington to continue school and start a family at the University of Kentucky. During this time Sam and Emmet become very close and Sam spends time around some more time with some of Emmett's friends that are also vets. The story follows Sam as she searches for more detailed information about what exactly Vietnam was like, meanwhile trying to find out more about her father in the process. Not only is this a coming of age story, but also one of a loss of innocence. Sam ultimately discovers that the war was viewed in different ways and had differing effects in the soldiers morals.

One of the key literary elements that Bobbie Ann Mason uses to get across the meaning of the book is her use of dialogue. Throughout In Country, Mason uses dialogue between two characters to express their feelings and experiences. In part II after a date out with Samantha’s boyfriend, lonnie, and

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