
Blue Dye Synthesis

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Determination of Dye Attraction to Different Solvents through Chromatography

1. To determine what solvents have the strongest intermolecular attractions to Kool Aid.
2. To determine which dye colors have the strongest and weakest intermolecular attractions with water.

• Paper clips
• Rubber stoppers
• Ignition tubes
• Erlenmeyer flasks
Chromatography strips
• Red Dye
• Yellow Dye
• Blue Dye
• Mixture A Dye
• Water
• 2-Propanol
• Acetone

Procedure: Attraction of solvents to tropical punch dye (red)
1. Add solvent up to the black line on an ignition tube.
2. Insert a paper clip into a rubber stopper so that the paper clip can hold the chromatography paper inside the ignition tube.
3. Cut a piece of chromatography paper so that …show more content…

The highly volatile solvents (namely acetone and ethanol) initially went up the chromatography paper the fastest.
2. Mixture A (which was red, yellow, and blue dye) showed when separated, that red stayed closest to the bottom of the paper with yellow above it, and blue at the top.
3. The dye that the water was interacting with did not noticeable affect the distance that the water traveled up the chromatography paper.
Rf = (solute distance)/ (solvent distance) Solvents: Rf water =(1.4cm)/(8.4cm)=0.17cm Rf acetone=(0.0cm)/(5.8cm)=0.00cm Rf 2-propanol=(0.8cm)/(2.8cm)=0.29cm Rf ethanol=(0.0cm)/(5.8cm)=0.00cm Dyes: Rf grape dye red: 1.1cm/6.4cm=0.17cm yellow: NA blue: 2.3cm/6.4cm=0.36cm Rf tropical dye red: 1.2cm/6.6cm=0.18cm yellow: NA blue: NA Rf orange dye red: 0.8cm/6.3cm=0.13cm yellow: 1.4cm/6.3cm=0.22cm blue:

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