
Bloody Scarlet Critical Analysis

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I intended for the audience of Dressed in Bloody Scarlet to mainly consist of young adults. This intention was firmly rooted in the fact that over the past couple of years, young adults have been strongly attracted to dystopian settings, evidenced in Publishers Weekly which states that "the combined three volumes of the Divergent series sold over 6.7 million copies". The popularity of this dystopian series, as well as my love of the genre, influenced my decision to make my story fit the style as I believed that it would draw in a large audience of young adults. I personally believe that humanity is attracted to reading about the darker sides of their society, as it brings to light their subconscious questioning of societal constructs, and so …show more content…

It challenges the norm as it involves manipulation, which people do not enjoy thinking about, as it involves them reflecting on how they have possibly been manipulated within their own lives. The world created within DIBS is confronting and reinforces an appreciation for what we have. It philosophically challenges our actions within our own lives and the lives of others and would therefore attract an audience who questions these things. Another audience that DIBS would attract would be women, as it contains a strong female main character. This strength found within the main character would attract women who have strong beliefs of equality between the sexes as she is depicted as equal to the other main character, who is male. Insert quote from major work that depicts Marceline as a strong female main character.

DIBS is not culturally specific, beyond the notion of the English language, as it is set mostly in a fantasy world. However, the end setting is set in a hospital in Mexico, and is run by an American organisation. Although, this does not impact the cultural aspect to a great degree as the audience does not need to know a great deal about these cultures to read the short story. Due to the short story not being culturally specific, the range of the audience is

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