
Bloodstream Infection Paper

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As a visionary researcher, the researcher viewed the discrepancy between the central-line-bundle guidelines and their actual implementation as a cause of the current numbers of central-line bloodstream infections (CLABSI). CLABSIs affect approximately thirty thousand and one hundred patients in intensive care units (ICUs) annually and cost thousands of dollars per episode (Health Research & Educational Trust, 2017). But most of the patients in ICUs need a central line which is a tube placed in a large vein to give medications or fluids. The researcher reviewed many qualitative and quantitative studies to examine the impact of adherence to central-line-bundles on the number of CLABSIs among adult patients in ICU. All studies presented central-line …show more content…

There are many multifaceted approaches with almost same evidence-based core content to prevent CLABSIs. The availability of expert personnel, managerial support, or reimbursement system is not sufficient to deal with issues prevailing in the healthcare facilities. Educating and getting feedback from the healthcare providers who are performing a task like inserting or managing central lines as an effective intervention to reduce CLABSIs. The research team of the study on “Implementation of central line-associated bloodstream infection prevention bundles in a surgical intensive care unit using peer tutoring,” use pretest and posttest approach to determine the peer tutoring as an effective way to reduce CLABSIs in healthcare settings, especially with limited resources. They used the “learning by teaching method,” to encourage the healthcare workers to participate in their facility issues actively and develop a safety culture through collaboration, learning from, and supporting each other as well as sharing a mutual understanding when implementing CLABSI prevention bundles. The primary purpose of this study is to determine peer tutoring as a useful way to implement CLABSI prevention bundles to reduce CLABSI rates especially in a healthcare setting that lack resources for special individual education and training …show more content…

Implementation of bundles, checklists, monitoring, recordkeeping began with study’s preintervention phase. The only difference in intervention phase was active educational sessions. The intervention included a thirty-minute weekly educational session in which SICU nurses prepared the lecture about CLABSIs prevention guidelines based on infection control office approved, and presented to his or her coworkers, followed by group discussions to share problems and workable solutions. Separate monthly meetings conducted to train representative physicians for compliance with CLABSI prevention guidelines by infection control office. These representative doctors trained other physicians. The post-intervention phase kept all other components except lecture sessions and individual on-spot audits for bundle checklists. The Poisson regression used to compare the pre and post intervention CLABSI incident rates and presented with 95% confidence interval with p-value <0.05. SPSS 22.0 statistical software used for two-tailed statistical tests. To eliminate errors or bias, two assigned researchers SHK and SWP wrote the manuscript that revised by all other

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