
Blood Clots Research Paper

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Blood clots are a serious side effect when it comes to taking the pill. Certain pills may cause or increase the risk even more. According to Planner Parenthood "The progestin in YAZ, Gianvi, YASMIN, Ocella, Syeda, and Zarah, Beyaz, and Safyral may be linked to a higher risk for blood clots than other birth control pills" It is a good chance doctors will advice women to stay away from these. Anything that can increase the risk of blood clots should be avoided because blood clots are very serious and dangerous. The most familiar place for the clot the leg or lung. The pills do not cause the clot it can higher the chances of getting one. "For the average woman taking birth control pills, the absolute risk of a blood clot is very small: Only 1 …show more content…

Amenorrhea will throw the menstrual cycle off, at this time it is easier and more common get impregnated. Blood clots and post-pill amenorrhea both apply to blood being "stuck" in the body. With long term or serious side effects comes short term. These symptoms can be cleared up without going to the doctor and have at home remedies. The most common minor side effects include spotting between periods, breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting, or changed sexual desire. During the first pill cycle month users may experience breakthrough bleeding (BTB) or spotting. The difference between them is the BTB will be more blood and might require a tampon or a pad. Spotting might just be a couple dots here and there. Either way, when experiencing spotting or BTB between periods it is important to tell the doctor. Most likely the bleeding will stop within the next cycle but occasionally that is not the case. "Menstrual irregularities such as breakthrough bleeding or spotting are the most common reasons women give for discontinuing OC use while still needing contraceptive" (Dickey 158). It all depends on the person and the body type weather they will experience

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