
Blindsided By Priscilla Cummings: Book Report

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In the novel Blindsided, by Priscilla Cummings, the main character's name is Natalie. Natalie is a 15 year old girl living in a normal life in Boston. She had gotten into an accident on day and couldn't se how she normally did. Natalie described her sighs as” putting the hand binoculars to her eyes” and seeing the haze of the world. Although she had been seeing like that for a few month, her parents decided to take her to the doctors to get it looked at. Dr.Rose, Natalie’s eye doctor, had explained to the family that Natalie was going to lose her sight in roughly the next few month.With that news being said, the family went on a vacation to Florida to see the beach since she had never been. Along with preparing Natalie now had to go to a different …show more content…

Natalie had been hesitant to do this but she wanted to make her parents proud. While Natalie did the test with ease, Bri didn’t. No student was allowed off campus without a teacher with them Well bri did exactly that, left with her boyfriend without an instructor and her friend ended up leaving her alone. Since Natalie had failed the test she did not know where to go. The first thing that she did was call Natalie to come get her. Although Natalie was quite hesitant, she couldn't let Bri be alone. Once Natalie had gotten Bri, the stated walking back to campus. On their walk back a man have called out to them sexualy saying the the girls did not like. While the girls were at a stop, the same voice was right behind them. Natalie described the man with a smell of beer and cigarettes. The man had attacked the two girls giving Bri a hemorrhage in her neck. Bri was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Natalie had a bruised face and hand. While no one had heard anything about Bri, Natalie had started to worry. O Sunday afternoon she had gotten a call the Bri had passed away from the Hemorrhage, it had

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