
Blepharisma Americana Case Study

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The objective of this experiment was to investigate the response of Blepharisma americana, Paramecium caudatum, Euplotes, and Vorticella microorganisms to the acidification of their environment and the impact of acidification on the their community diversity. We hypothesized that lower pH values would cause Ciliophora community diversities and health to decline.
Based on our collaborative data from BI107 lab sections (2016), compared to the starting population, Blepharisma americana, Paramecium caudatum, Euplotes, and Vorticella’s average population size increased in pH conditions 7.0, 5.5, 4.5 and 3.5 (Figure 1). The reason for the ciliates to have a much higher average population size compared to the starting population is because they had the opportunity to reproduce for a week. All four ciliates had the lowest average populations at the pH condition 3.5 and the average population sizes of Euplotes and P. caudatum decreased as the pH levels decreased, implying that an acidic environment is not beneficial for their survival (Figure 1). This supports our hypothesis that a decrease in pH conditions leads to the decrease in average population size. Our results agree with Tremaine and Mills’s (1991) data, which suggests acidification decreased …show more content…

We can also test the effect of acidification on plants that live in the ocean or lakes such as seaweed or water lilies to expand our results and include the influences of acidification on the aquatic plants. Conducting the study for a longer period of time will provide more opportunities for ciliates to reproduce and allow us to observe the long-term effects of acidification on the ciliates population. Moreover, this would allow us to determine if the ciliates can eventually adapt to overcome the effects of acidification and

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