
Bladder Cancer Research Paper

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An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. With roughly a third of all cancers believed to be influenced by diet, broccoli is increasingly being looked at for its capacity to help prevent cancer.

Cancer is something that actually takes between ten and twenty years to develop. The typical Western diet is known to help increase the risk of developing cancer. With the right dietary changes, diet can be an ally instead of an opponent in our battle try to prevent cancer rather than cure it.

Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, have long been shown help reduce the risk of cancer. Harvard conducted a 10 year long study that showed an inverse relationship between the risk of bladder cancer and the consumption of cruciferous vegetables. In other words, the more cruciferous vegetables consumed, the less likely someone was to develop bladder cancer. The study included 47,909 male participants. …show more content…

A meta study of 87 other studies found that as little as 10 grams per day of crucifers can lower your risk of cancer. That is a bit less than 1/8 cup of chopped raw broccoli or cabbage. Other studies suggest you should consume about 1/2 cup per day to help protect yourself against stomach, lung, colon and rectal cancers, among others.

But just how does broccoli accomplish this? The answer lies in part in the sulfurous compounds that give them their characteristic strong smell and flavor. These compounds are intended to protect the plant from insects. They can help protect you from cancer.

Phytochemicals, indoles and sulforaphane are all found in cruciferous vegetables. They all play various roles in helping to protect against the risk of developing

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