
Black Pussy

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When an artist claims to be using the “aesthetic alibi”, they justify their usage of “politically incorrect” or “offensive” language as a means to make an artistic statement. (Jay, 1972, p.14). This artist then has the ability to manipulate language in a variety of different ways, with the capacity to both empower and oppress. Because art is subjective, it is difficult to specify the point where an artistic statement or perspective becomes oppressive or hate speech. This can be attributed to the difficulty in knowing the motive of artists, as well as the intended message of the work. Hence, the use of the aesthetic alibi in satirical works transfers control of language to the artist. The aesthetic alibi has the power to elevate and subvert …show more content…

Artists can use the aesthetic alibi as a means of guaranteeing “freedom of speech”, which can give them the capacity to negatively reinforce negative language or trivialize it. For intense, the band “Black Pussy”, a stoner rock band who have no connection to “Black Pussy” except in name. Hamad (2015) argues that this trivializes the oppression suffered by black women and holds no artistic value whatsoever. An analysis of the band's discography does imply that they do not strive use their name for anything other than “free speech”, showing how the “aesthetic alibi” can assist people in controlling others through language. Controlling language in this manner gives the artists control of language that involves or attacks other groups, which can easily be abused. The article attempts to argues that this type of language control should be restricted because it would not change the art itself, but it would remove the negative effects. This is similar to the controversy around “Fallout 3”, where an in game item was named “Med-X” in an update for the global release of the game. This is instead of the original label, “morphine”, and it was changed in order to remove any positive references to drugs. By only changing the name of an item, and leaving the rest of the game. Hence, whilst the aesthetic alibi does facilitate a control of language that can be abused, its abuse is generally held in check by contemporaries and their belief in its artistic

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