
Black Hole Research Papers

Decent Essays

Black Holes This paper will introduce you to the incredible topic which is black holes. A black hole is a region of space time exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing can escape from inside it. (NASA) No human has ever entered a black hole and there is still a large mystery about them; we have very little idea of where the matter that enters them goes. A black hole cannot be looked into either, as it sucks all the light into the middle of it. Space programs use special satellites with certain features that allow them to see these black holes. A black hole can be big or small, sometimes forming when a star is dying. Some scientists speculate that there can be black holes just 1 centimeter large. There are multiple types of …show more content…

Due to the strong gravity pulls, all of the light around a black hole is sucked into the middle. Scientists can see how the strong gravity affects the stars and gas around the black hole however, study to see if the stars are orbiting the black hole. (Space) This is how they know they exist, by studying the stars around them. Also, when a black hole and a star are close together, a high energy light is formed, which humans are incapable of seeing. However, satellites and telescopes can see these high energy lights, allowing us to spot black holes …show more content…

Scary right? Well what about a black hole sucking in the earth, is it possible? Thankfully, black holes do not go around eating stars, moons, and planets. There is no black hole close enough to the earth for it to be able to be sucked into. If a black hole the same mass as the sun were to replace the sun, earth would still not be able to fall into it. The black hole would have the same gravity as the sun and the planets would orbit it, just as they do the sun. Also, the sun will never turn into a black hole, as it is not a big enough star to create one.

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