
Black Hactcin Outline

Satisfactory Essays

Before the earth was created there was nothing but darkness, water, the wind, and the Hactcin (the Jicarilla supernatural beings). The Hactcin lived in the underworld, a world below our Earth as we know it now. Black Hactcin, the most powerful of them all, created animals, birds, and all other creatures from clay, and gave them life. They asked him for a companion, so that when he left, they wouldn’t be lonely. So Black Hactcin, in his own outline, created the first human from various resources the animals brought him. The animals were worried that the man would be lonely, so he made him dream of a woman, and when the man awoke, she was there. He told them to eat of the plants and clove-footed animals, and to live where ever they liked, which …show more content…

At that time all things lived in darkness, so some of the Hactcin spirits worked together to release the sun and moon. Since the people didn’t know what these new lights above them were, they started to claim they had power over it, and the sun disappeared in an eclipse. The humans were unable to bring the sun back, so the Hactcin created a mountain that grew up just short of the hole in the sky that led from the underworld to the world above (Earth). So Bug and Spider built a rope ladder from sun rays to the upper world. Everyone, animals, Hactcin, and people, climbed up into the upper world, but some of the elderly could not make it, and stayed in the Under World (this is why people go to the underworld when they grow old and die). Everything was alive in their new Earth; the fire, the trees, the grass, the water. Originally all living things spoke the same language, but the Hactcin decided that was boring, and gave all the people and animals different languages. Eventually, all the people broke off into groups, and lived all around the lands.2. Before the earth was created there was nothing but darkness, water, the wind, and the Hactcin (the Jicarilla supernatural

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