
Black Girls Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Jessica Eweka
Professor Owens
Black Girlhood Studies
October 11, 2017

Beauty and Representation for Black Girls in United States Every black girl/woman has been asked a point in her life, who is your role model?For little black girls, that question has had more answers added to it over time. They now role models in probably any career path they they choose. During the early and mid 1900’s black girls were seen as less innocent than the white girl. Their bodies and even their whole existence was less valuable than the white girl. Representation of black girls in the media during the early 1900’s showed caricature of little black girls that further exemplified how black girls were looked at in society. Media is …show more content…

I will do this by comparing the media of black girls …show more content…

One of the many hardships they had to face was the reality of going out of the house and coming home not being raped or sexually harassed. If already sexually active, they were viewed as not pure. However, black girls could never prove that they were pure or innocent because society never viewed them as such since slavery. In Enslaved black women and girls were profiled as sexuallu deviant and experienced because of their skin, automatically being judged before being met. The slave era created a status of black girls as both female and enslaved created a society that regarded black girls as promiscuous, yet forbad them from fending off sexual assault, making them vulnerable to white and black abusers alike. This is talk about in Wilma King’s Prematurely Knowing of Evil Things: The Sexual Abuse of African American Girls and Young Women in Slavery and Freedom and Robin Bernstein’s Tender Angles, Insensate Pickaninnies. The ideas of these times trickled down from slavery to the post slavery era, but the only thing that changed was that black girls werent property or “enslaved” anymore. I quote enslaved because black girls were still chained and restricted by a system that a man or multiple men can rape a little black girl but there will rarely be a time that these men will be held accountable for their actions. Thus, black girls had to keep these brutal experiences to themselves or else they would be looked at as not

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