
Black Female Athletes Have Been Stereotyped Ever Since The 19th Century

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Black male athletes have been stereotyped ever since the 19th century. Since Jackie Robinson’s venture into professional baseball in 1952, there has been a constant debate on the subject of the athletically superior, but intellectually inferior Black Male athlete. These black males were forever delineated as inferior to their white counterparts. As a matter of fact from the very beginning of man kind’s civilization process his established societies all over the world have sought ways to glorify the individuals that exuded or better yet, displayed outstanding physical and athletic abilities. These facts became further stated in 1619 when a Dutch Man of War, that was anchored off the East Coast of America, exchanged “20 and odd Africans” for some much needed supplies to secure their voyage back to Europe. It was there that the exploitation of Africans, and later Negroes-Colored-Blacks, and finally African-Americans, began in the Western Hemisphere. And even though Black males and Black females were rewarded for their reproductive abilities, the men were always viewed as the archetype of what physical abilities, physical talent, physical competency, physical valor, and overall physical courage looked like. These Bucks, as they were referred to, would appease the white plantation owners with sporting events such as with boxing matches, racing events, sexual exploitations, and strength lifting exercises i.e., who could stack the most bales of cotton in a given period of time.

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