
Black Death Chapter Summary

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Hey Guys use the index in the back of the book to find all of your terms!!! So much easier
How are the following significant to the Historical Lather?

Great Famine- Period of mass starvation, disease and emigration: 1315-22 occurred in almost all of Northern Europe.

Black Death- was an epidemic outbreak of bubonic plagues in Europe around 1348 that killed between one third and two thirds of the population in less than five years. The epidemic spanned from China to England to North Africa. Transmitted along the silk road and other trade routes which come from black rats

Bubonic Plague- Bubonic meaning it came from a flea. Most common form of plagued humans, characterized …show more content…

The English inhabitants of Ireland must employ the use of the English language have english names.
Ride English style
This statue created a standard for many other countries such as Spain who followed in their Legislative footprint.

The Imitation of Christ-(1418) Written by Thomas A. Kempis, this book is all about how to be Christ-like. It is a guide to Catholic behavior and how to have a relationship with God, covering both personal and social aspects of pleasing God, and was very important to the New Piety, a movement among Catholics to be more spiritual.

Vernacular- Definition: the everyday language spoken by the people as opposed to Latin as a result of a complex society and growing economy, literacy rates increased in both men and women.
Dante’s Divine Comedy (1310-1320)
Called his writing comedy because it was written in Italian instead of traditional Latin
Work is split into sections 33 pages long. Each one describes respectively, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.
A Christian poem that metaphorically shows the tensions of the age and criticizes certain church authority …show more content…

Bacillus mostly lived on rats and squirrels. The disease covered rats traveled often due to the fact they lived on ships. The rats were well fed and very comfortable in saddlebags. Urban conditions were also another reason to why diseases had spread. The narrow streets that were covered with human waste was an easy way for the disease to be spreaded. There were two ways that the disease could have been spreaded. Person to person or directly from the rat. Houses were small and made out of wool which allowed the rat to easily enter. Hygiene wasn't big also. Cities had public bathhouses. Mixed with colds and diarrhea, the body had little resistance to the disease. Fleas and body lice were everywhere.Symptoms of the disease were apple sized boils that typically broke out on the armpit. Next the victim would have black spots and cough up blood. Usually around this stage of the disease, it was already too late and the victim was guaranteed death. Doctors could help the pain but could not treat the disease. Hospitals provided little help too. Caring for the dying and only sheltering for compassion. There wasn't much help that could be provided. Many founders try to fund hospitals and give support yet that didn't stop the disease spreading. Many died everyday. An example being that in Vienna 500 to 600 daily died. Survivors became more and more

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