
Black American Narrative

Decent Essays

History is a collection of narratives that are created through pinpointing certain moments from the past and disregarding others. Theses narratives are what shape the way humans see the world from the past in today’s eyes. In 2014, a certain debate has sparked. The topic of this debate was which narrative is most accurate of telling the story of black people’s history in the United States. What started off with Paul Ryan, an American Politician, making his point of view on the matter public, ended with Ta-Nehisi Coates and Jonathan Chait engaging in a heated argument. Paul Ryan and Ta-Nehisi Coates both take on a position that argues for there being only one true cause of the black American, and especially urban, experience. Both leave out …show more content…

Ryan starts this argument by saying that there is strictly a cultural cause to the way black Americans live today. Arguing against this belief, Coates -- an African American writer, journalist, and educator-- believes that it is because of the institutionalized systems the black communities are living the way they are today. The only narrative that can best capture black history is one that talks about both causes. For they cannot be separated from each other. An example of a narrative like such belongs to Jonathan Chait, an American liberal commentator and writer for New York magazine. Chait’s perspective states that there is no doubt that the American black culture is what influences today’s black communities, but this culture is the result of systematic racism. The origin of the black American culture was back in the 1670s-1680s, when black slaves first started to be considered property. Racism becomes officially “put” into law for different reasons. These reasons include the high demand for tobacco production …show more content…

Black people at this time create a movement known as the “Harlem Renaissance”, and it marked the awakening of African American creative arts. Places such as the Cotton Club are established. In fact, the Cotton Club is the birthplace of Jazz, a genre of music that displays the true talent of African American Jazz musicians. Furthermore, jazz become loved by all because of the tight communities black Americans used to be forced to live in. This form of entertainment soon becomes famous throughout the whole America, black and white. Not only was music industry so greatly innovated at this time, African American poets, painters, and dancers emerged and presented their astonishing works. With these works, new ideas developed and are used today. A perfect example of one of these ideas is Hip Hop. If it were not for the “oppressive regimes of slavery and segregation” black Americans would not have solidified their “commitment to values of family, education, and self-improvement (values [are defined] as fundamentally—though not always inclusively—American)” (Sestanovich). Of course with all actions there are consequences.The sudden relocation to urban cities like Chicago caused for restrictive covenants to be placed to not allow black people to rent or buy property from white people. Not

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