
Bizarrest: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The captions “Cormac McCarthy’s Ex-Wife Pulls Gun From Her Vagina, Threatens to Shoot Boyfriend”, and “Novelist's Ex In Bizarre Handgun Threat Arrest” are used to incite interest among readers regardless of the factuality of the above statements. To distinguish truth past what is provided requires an individual to delve deeper into the topic of conversation rather than absorb such at face value.
Upon examining further information regarding Jennifer’s arrest, the statement made by Jennifer McCarthy reveal her position regarding the incident that occurred January 4th, 2014. McCarthy confirms it was indeed a case of domestic violence stating, “the attacker may have lied to the sheriff to rationalize his assault”. The overall rhetorical effect …show more content…

The source materials used by Kellogg and the Smoking Gun lacks substantial credibility. The author establishes common ground with the reader based upon the model of “he said, she said”. The outlandish construct of the article enables Kelloggs to convince the readers of the information presented in a way that diminishes the credibility of ex-wife, Jennifer McCarthy.
The exigence of the article remains within the misconstrued actuality of the event in an attempt to further incite conversation. The media used the outlandish statements made by McCarthys boyfriend, and curated a controversial story. The reader is expected to be entertained by the content provided within the article.
The statement made by Jennifer McCarthy enabled me towards the consensus in contradiction of the authenticity of the articles persuasive argument. Upon reading McCarthys statement, I was unable to distinguish any source of factual evidence concerning the conflict due to the nature of the secondary sourced information. It was only after reading McCarthys statement in the comments section of the Heavy news article. The ability to differentiate your own consensus on an issue aside from what is written, significantly strengthens the readers ability to elect their own stance upon an

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