
Bitter Quotes

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Many aspects of Emezi’s novel, Bitter, connect to the world, such as overcoming challenges and developing as a person, and resonate with many people in society. Bitter starts as an isolated character with a fear of the outside world. As she faces many obstacles, she gains a sense of safety outside of Eucalyptus and builds relationships with new people, preparing her to take on anything. Through Bitter’s growth in the novel, Emezi demonstrates how people with a lack of confidence can become entirely different individuals with the support of friends. As Bitter connects with new people, she gains a new sense of safety that she hasn’t experienced before. Emezi conveys Bitter's new relationships through Aloe, making Eddie and Bitter talk about their …show more content…

“She was not the same girl who had frozen and run back the day before.” (Emezi 192). Emezi bluntly explains how Bitter is not the same person as she was before. She is confident and ready to take on Vengeance, but she gains even more confidence after defeating her. Bitter isn’t the same person she was towards the beginning of the book. She is ready to take on Vengeance, and gains confidence from it. Bitter’s new feeling of confidence through the defeat of Venange is also shown when Emezi explains, “But in these days, her feelings were clear and precise, and she was no longer afraid.” (Emezi 261). Emezi is trying to indicate that instead of the constant fear and anxiety that Bitter used to experience, she can now think clearly. In this moment, Emezi demonstrates how Bitter gains confidence after defeating Vengeance because Bitter's thoughts are clear. Overall, Emezi shows Bitter's confidence through her growth in being able to go beyond her feelings, and take control of herself. The growth of Bitter throughout the book continues as she starts to find hope. Bitter growth overtime helps her find hope in the dark world she lives

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