
Essay about Bit Torrents: A New Technology

Decent Essays

Bit Torrents Are a New Technology “Bit torrent is nothing more than a file downloading technology” is quoted in large font on the right side of website in the article written by Dr. Leo Notemboom. The Article is titled “Is It Illegal to Download Torrent Files.” The writer summarizes what bit torrent technology is and how the law could apply to them. Overall the article is well informing to readers about bit torrents and Leo Notenboom’s interpretation of copyright laws. Also the article is very interesting and could arise some interesting questions to readers that relate to the topic. Today many people use bit torrent technology to share music, movies, software applications and more. Large Amounts of these files contained …show more content…

The answer is no. downloading bit torrent files is not illegal. The article will give a great example of how to use a bit torrent in a legal fashion. Many Linux distributions are often made available as torrents. But don’t become confused. Bit torrent is a technology to help downloading and sharing files become efficient. “Copying a file to your machine is not illegal” the article states. Some people do not realize that if the information contained in the bit torrent file. Like a music or movie file is protected by copyright laws then it most definitely is illegal. That is right some of the same files you put on your iPod could be potentially illegal. The article informs the readers to this. PC users could become unaware these files are harmful and break the law unknowingly. The article is concise and to the point. The author wrote this way on purpose. The general reader can only stay interested so long. Often time’s articles of length posted on the internet seldom get read. Because the user is looking for a fast answer or short article to fill their need for information. Fancy graphics and advertisements grab reader’s attention away from the article. The writer took this into consideration when writing the article that way more people would read it. Leo Notenboom’s writing does the job of quickly informing the reader of an issue they could relate to on a daily basis when using the computer. Some issues were not expanded on and could leave the

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