
Birth Trauma: in the Eye of the Beholder Critique

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The phenomenon of interest (birth trauma and what it means to women) was clearly identified in the report. In the introduction the authors stated that women’s perception of birth trauma is quite different from the perception of the same phenomenon by health care providers. She also uses a term “in the eyes of the beholder” to emphasize that for every woman this phenomenon is unique. It is stated that PTSD after childbirth is quite prevalent and several studies support this fact. However, research is regarding the understanding of the birth trauma phenomenon from the woman’s experience lacking. The problem statement was worded clearly and directly and I wasn’t ambivalent about what problem will be discussed in the remainder of the article. …show more content…

One letter informed members of a study. The researchers wrote the second letter explaining the role of the woman in the study and the research program. Several women sent their personal journals chronicling their traumatic birth experiences and the PTSD. Most of the participants chose to participate over the Internet and sent their story as an attachment. In phenomenological studies, in-depth conversations are the main data source. Researchers help informants to describe lived experiences without leading the discussion (Beck, 2012). In my opinion it was fully achieved with the use of personal stories and personal journals. As was mentioned above, the data collection focused on human experience and I believe the subjects were protected in this study. This study was approved by university’s institutional review board and participants were provided with informed consent. The author used Colaizzi’s method of data analysis. She did a great job explaining the procedures used to analyze the data. The analysis of the data in this study began with the reading of the stories and journals. The researcher extracted significant statements and formulated the meanings for those statements. The information was then further broken down into cluster of 4 themes. The process of saturation was reached when no further categories could be formed. Then, the findings were integrated into description of phenomenon and validated by nine

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