
Birth Order

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Birth Order

When an individual comes into this world they are unable to choose their race, eye color, socioeconomic status, and much less which order they are born into a family. However, much research has gone into the topic of birth order and its effects on the personality traits of individuals.
In a study done by Nyman in The Journal of Psychology (1995) was about identifying birth order personality traits. In this study, Nyman attempted to overcome the limitations of previous studies that had limited the description of personality traits with people within specific birth order by creating his own study that allowed individuals to create their own adjectives to describe people and to rank their description as positive or negative (53). …show more content…

He believed that even though siblings were raised in the similar environment, that because of their birth order they received different parenting styles which shaped their personality in distinctly different ways (121). Although, the study by Nyman did not mention the reasons behind the distinct traits, his study did acknowledge, and seemingly find, that individuals in different birth orders did have distinctive personality traits. Alder’s theory for the first born states that this child will have more leadership traits such as teaching younger siblings (123). He also said that they are more concerned with having authority (123). This matches up to the results of the study because the male eldest born was seen to have a dominant aggressive trait which could be paired up with seeking authority and leadership. Also the eldest female in the study was seen as a nurturer which would go perfectly with leadership and teaching. Adler believed that the second born are competitive and ambitious (123). The study did not have the element to choose second born but they did have middle child which is equivalent to Alder’s theory of the second born. The Middle child male child for the study was given the traits of ambitious/achiever and the female middle child was given outgoing and friendly (58). Both traits given to the middle birth order line up perfectly with the ambitious personality that Adler suggested for the second born. The youngest child, according to Adler are typically over achievers (124). However the reverse can be true if the youngest child is too pampered and they can become dependent on others (124). The results for the study for the youngest child in the birth order did not seem to match up as well as the others. The results for these were that the male was outgoing and friendly and the youngest female is caring and

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