
Biological Evolution Course Analysis

Decent Essays

I personally learned more than I imagined in this evolution course. Learning biological evolution began to expand my understanding of our world and how it all started dating back to thousands of years ago. I learned that natural selection accounts for the rise in pesticide resistance among pests and gives rise to new technologies to protect crops from insects and diseases. Scientists today are applying lessons from evolutionary biology to our world. I was also able to learn many ways that scientists gather and analyze information, test hypotheses, and ultimately come to a consensus about explanations for certain events that have happened on our planet. To understand evolution is essential because not only is it important to learn evolutionary patterns of certain organisms but it is fun to learn as well. I was able to understand relatedness among different organisms and how they are related by descents from common ancestors. The class taught me that evolution explains the great diversity of modern species. The evolution of species and how they emerged from evolving from a common ancestor was personally a good topic for me. I think its fascinating to think species can originate from one ancestor and …show more content…

The course dates back to centuries and we all have learnt the gist of evolutionary biology, including Darwinism, natural selection, genetic variation and more. But what would make the course a little better is to include some articles like the one used in this paper. After reading the extended evolution paper, I browsed around the science alert website and saw a couple of interesting articles that could of be integrated in our course. This being said, students would have a more up-to-date knowledge of evolution and have a better time understanding the material if newer information is incorporated with the older information taught in

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