
Biological And Sociological Explanations Of Crime

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Women may commit more crimes than is proved as they may not have been caught and the crimes may not have been recorded.
Biological, psychological and sociological can be explanations for crime.
Gender predicts crime. Males are seen to be offenders.
General theories of crime such as Marxist and the labelling theory neglect women for their accounts. The story of women is missing they include males and culture but gender is not included.
“Criminological theories have rarely been concerned with the analysis of female criminality.”
(Smart, 1977) This indicates only males are criminally analysed. Assumed females are dealt with briefly. This may be because statistically males commit more crimes so women are not seen so much as a threat to …show more content…

The assumption of feminism is that feminism could possibly lead to a rise in female criminality as both males and females can equally commit the same crimes. Analysis of criminal stats have suggested that there has not been a big shrink in the gender ratio problem as there has not been a big difference into females committing “male” crimes such as assault.
There are plenty of reasons to why one of a certain sex would commit more crimes than the other sex. Personal circumstances can result in crimes being committed.
Women were once seen as stay at home house wives who would look after the house and the children. Their everyday life would include doing all the cleaning, putting the meals on the table and looking after the children. This means that their partners would have a higher chance of committing crimes being out of the home. Women had lack of opportunity. Poverty is also a concern and does contribute largely to crimes committed.
The generalizability issue – Criminology is mainly dominated by men which

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