Angela Merkel is an amazing political leader. She is one of the most powerful women in the world and has contributed a lot to Germany as its first female chancellor. Her early years as a youth in
Germany influenced her life decisions.
Angela Dorothea Merkel, formerly Kasner, was born on July 17, 1954, in Hamburg, West
Germany. Her mother is Herlind Kasner, a teacher, and her father is Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor.
She is the oldest of three kidsa brother (Marcus), and a sister (Irene). When she was two years old, her family moved to Templin, Germany, which is an hour north of Berlin. Merkel was nicknamed ‘Kasi’ as a child, and as a teenager, was so fluent in Russian that she won a prize trip to Moscow. Thinking about her possible careers, she once said that she “would have loved to become a teacher, but not under that political system.” Instead, she decided that she would become a chemical scientist.
Merkel studied physics at the University of Leipzig. In 1977, at age 23, she married her first husband Ulrich Merkel, who was a physicist. In 1978, she earned her doctorate in Physical Chemistry, and began to work at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences as a chemist. While she was working there, she divorced her husband in 1982, but kept his surname.
Angela Merkel quit her job at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciences to start her new life as a politician. She joined the Demokratischer
Marie Maynard Daly was born on April 16,1921 she was the first black african american women to earn a PHD in chemistry.Marie Maynard was was raised and born in corona queens.she lived at a home to save money, majored in chemistry,and graduated from queens magna cum laude with her bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1942.
physics in the year 1957, and was hired for a full-time job as an acoustical
Since Linus worked many Jobs, he had enough money to attend college. Linus Attended the Oregon Agricultural College. This is where Linus became more fascinated about chemistry. Linus also loved learning about Mathematics and Physics. When Linus was not studying , he was teaching Chemistry to people at the facility. Here he meets his future wife, Ava Miller. The two would also have 4 children. In 1922, Linus attended in the school, “California Institute of Technology.” Linus used X- Ray diffraction to understand how Atoms formed to make Molecules. This new found made him be awarded with a Doctorate in Chemistry/Math. In 1926, Linus went to Europe for 18 months. When Linus returned, he brought knowledge about chemistry that is still in todays
Born in 1964, Angela has aged 53 years. She was born in Germany but raised up in Washington, D.C. r Her father was an officer in
Marie became a professor at Albert Einstein College in 1960, and she continued to teach and carry on with her pioneering research there. Among the studies were the effects of cigarette smoking on a person’s lungs. A year after scoring a job as a professor, she married her love, Vincent Clark. She continued her duties as a professor and chemist until her retirement in 1986.
What is the legacy of Dorothy Hodgkin, both on the study of structure on an atomic scale and for women in science?
The turning point in Gertrude's life that pulled her to the field of chemistry was ......t Kristine Larsen, a professor at the Central Connecticut State University, writes within her article "Encyclopedia: Gertrude Elion," about the death of Gertrude's grandfather due to stomach cancer. After witnessing the pain her grandfather had to endure, Gertrude realized she wanted to find a way to fight cancer. She was also very opposed to the dissection of animals, so she immediately ruled out biology. It was after these realizations that she chose the path of chemistry (Larsen II). Additionally, Larsen writes that she attended Hunter College in the fall of 1933 and graduated in 1937 with highest honors, obtaining a bachelor's degree in chemistry (Larsen III). Unfortunately, the gender discrimination that plagued society .......... came in the way of Gertrude's
Before I get into his education and early career, I want to talk about his status. He met a girl named Jane during his days in Oxford University. But that did not go for too long. Since he lost interest, he found another love named Nancy. She was also at the CERN. One of the company's
This is as a result of the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1 who ruled England from 1558 for consecutive 45 years. Her leadership styles are adored by many to date. However, her leadership is as a result of inheritance from her father King Henry VIII. Thus, women in England do not have a great reason to become proud of the fact that their country was the first ever across the globe to be ruled by a woman. This is because the leadership of Queen Elizabeth 1 is not attributed to political and cultural struggle. Similarly, the political leadership style in most countries across the continent was hereditary. Asia result, women born in king and queen dynasties would inherit leadership. To date the political significance of women in Europe cannot be neglected. This is with reference to the German chancellor Angela Merkel who is one of the power female political across the globe.
Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany. Last fall, she was elected to her third term as chancellor of Germany, making her one of the only two
her work at the Georges, she is a natural leader. She is personable, well respected by
As The Economist (September 28th 2013) says, Angela Merkel won a landslide victory and became the chancellor of Germany for the third time. The crisis gave us a hard time and most big European countries dumped their leaders during this period. However, Angela Merkel again proved to be a leader that most people follow and admire. Is it purely because she does things right for her people? Or does it rather spark from her personality, including her behavioral, communication skills or influential authority? This paper will elaborate ideas on what makes Germany’s chancellor such a powerful leader and by using psychological theories it will lead the reader to defining the leadership style Ms. Merkel exercises.
Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany. Last fall, she was elected to her third term as chancellor of Germany, making her one of the only two European Union leaders that survived the economic crisis (The Guardian, 2013). Angela Merkel was named by Forbes in 2014 as the most powerful women in the world (Forbes, 2014). Angela Merkel’s leadership style
Otto Von Bismarck was a great leader in the unification of Germany. His skill as a diplomat was unrivalled during his reign as chancellor of Prussia. The mastery he showed in foreign policy was such that he was able to outwit all other powers and make their leaders appear inadequate.
Angela Merkel (born Angela Dorothea Kasner), was born in Hamburg, Germany on July 17, 1954. Angela