
Bio Modeling And Stress Analysis Essay

Better Essays

Chapter 6
BIO MODELLING AND STRESS ANALYSIS Introduction The study mainly focuses on the nanocomposite based coronary stents and their interaction with arteries in which they are implanted and the blood flow that occurs through them. Hence the arteries and blood need to be mathematically modeled in order to use them in analysis software. The interactions between anisotropic hyperelastic materials with non Newtonian fluid blood involve intricate challenges. A lot of non linearities are involved in the models. The mathematical models used to model hyperelastic arteries and non Newtonian fluid is discussed in this chapter. Further the simulations carried out on static stent interactions with arteries and plaque is discussed. As shown in the graphs the responses of a rubber and a soft tissue are plotted in simple uniaxial tension.
Need of the Study
The interactions occurring between the artery wall and the stent surfaces need to be studied considering the hyperelastic nature of the arteries. Injuries are caused on the artery surfaces due to stent implantation. It can be easily manifested that any external foreign structure implanted in the body can cause harm to the body. Especially the ends of the complicated stent designs may prick the artery walls. Or the interactive stresses acting on the vessel walls may concuss the walls if are beyond the materials bearable properties. It is hence necessary to first study the

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