BIO-MATERIALS: Bio-materials are one of the most vital materials that are used in the medicine industry in recent times. These materials are basically classified under this class, since they perform or modify the natural function in an individual. These materials can be used on most of the living creatures with a few modifications. These materials are used vastly for dental implants and dental surgeries. They are manufactured in such a way so that they can adapt quickly to the changes inside the body. This is a great advantage, since the body gets used to these materials much faster and does not term it as a foreign body. Bio-materials are also used in drug delivery inside the blood stream, for which they enter the blood circulatory system and reach the point where they release the drug in order to cure the specified disease. Apart from that, bio-materials have a large scale use for the manufacturing of artificial Hip joints, Contact lenses, artificial ligaments, tendons and bone plates, as well as, dental implants.[1] As observed from the vast uses the material has, it is evident that these bio-materials must have variable properties for different applications. Hip joints must be made of a material which can with stand a load without fracturing, in this case Titanium plates are used due to their high strength and inert behavior [1] …show more content…
These are composed of numerous nano particles in their structure and have an average diameter of less than 50nm. Nano powders are used in drug delivery around the body, due to their high surface area is to volume ratio. Apart from that they are used in specialized paints and glazes, as their structure consists of uniformly distributed nano particles. Due to their uniformity and constant particle size [2], these nano powders have an excellent ability to disperse solution and liquids. This leads to a uniform flow of the liquid and the formation of a constant
In 2011, Professor Susmita Bose, of Washington State University, modified a ProMetal 3D printer to bind chemicals to a ceramic powder, creating intricate scaffolds that promote the growth of bone in any shape. Prof. Bose’s goal is to, one day, be able to implant the bone scaffold with bone growth factors in such a way that the implant is dissolved by natural bone material in even load-bearing bone structures.
Certain substances trick the body into thriving. For example, it was thought that the body rejects all foreign substances. If you get an implant of steel, or other metal, into your body, the body will coat the invasive object in collagen, and the object will slip free. Since the body cannot determine between harmful and beneficial foreign matter, months after implantation, the new appliance would slip free. However, titanium decieves the body into incorporating it naturally into its systems. It triggers no immune response, and bones will begin to grow around it, as if it was always there. Thus, titanium is used for replacement joints, and much more.
Unlike engineering material, healthy bone can maintain its reliability by restoring the micro damage and remodeling itself. Bone remodeling follows two steps handled by the cells named osteoclast and osteoblast. Osteoclasts which digests the bone at a molecular level are responsible for the bone resorption. On the other hand, new bone is formed by a group of osteoblasts cell by cell. This process results bone to preserve itself and adjust to the person’s daily activity. Although bone maintains itself, the material property is changing with the remodeling process resulting bone to gain its unique heterogeneous material distribution. Furthermore, the remodeling process, not only involve with material properties, but architecture, besides. This transformation of bone occurs as a response to altered loading conditions. The transformation can be seen in osteon density, porosity, average osteonal area etc.
It is a mineralized connective tissue formed by osteoblasts. Osteoblasts deposit a matrix of collagen and also release calcium, magnesium and phosphate ions that chemically combine within the collagenous matrix into a crystalline mineral, known as bone mineral, in the form of HA. Therefore, bone tissue is a natural composite consisting of a collagenous matrix and a mineral phase. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new therapeutic materials with the same hybrid structure that combine the strength, stiffness and osteoconductivity of an inorganic component with the flexibility, toughness and resorbability of an organic phase.[13,14] As such, in recent years, researchers have concentrated on developing the polymer/ceramic nanocomposites, which have the advantages of both polymers (structural stability, strength, biocompatibility and desired shape) and ceramics, and are more similar to natural
Aluminum is also used as it is a less expensive alternative from steel or titanium. Steel has not been obsolete as it could be used in smaller parts of the limb. The most common types of plastics in the prosthetics are acrylic, epoxy and polyester. One of the most used material is silicone as not only is it an excellent padding but also protects the skin from friction.
Internal fixation devices in the past had been made of stainless steel or titanium, but with problems resulting from those permanent devices, an innovative approach is being considered. Bioresorbable implants are a possible replacement to the original implants that would eliminate the need for removal, which has shown to be a problem for traditional implants.
Dr. Stewart has also begun studies to use the adhesive in other areas of medicine. When we shatter a bone, Doctors use mechanical connectors like metal screws, pins, and nails for support until the bone can bear weight. But it is very challenging to achieve and maintain alignments of small bones fragments. For precise reconstruction of small bones, health officials have acknowledged that a biocompatible, biodegradable adhesive could be valuable because it would reduce metal hardware in the body while maintaining proper alignment of
Ceramic on UHMWPE is one of the most commonly used alloys in biomedical implant materials. This alloy is used for artificial
"Several medical companies are developing new porous coatings for implants that promote and increase bone ingrowth and reduce bone shielding effects by the use of titanium-based foams or scaffolds," he explained. "Today's technology works by plasmaspraying the powder onto the implant.
Arthritis or rheumatism is the leading cause of disability [1]. Arthritis is inflammation of one or more of the joints and the main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age [1]. More than 20 million individuals with arthritis have severe limitations in function on a daily basis [2]. Majority of the patients, who goes through this disability, finds their solution by doing Total Hip Replacement (THR) surgery. More than 285,000 hip replacements are performed in the U.S. each year [3]. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be an increment of 175% in the THR surgeries rising the numbers to 0.5 Million [3].Thus, these numbers portray the importance of hip replacement surgeries in the near future. Hip joint deterioration can lead to pain, stiffness or difficulty walking. When these symptoms do not respond to conservative treatment, such as physical therapy, patients may be advised to undergo total hip replacement or hip resurfacing. As part of this treatment, they may receive a “metal-on-metal” hip implant in which the “ball and socket” of the device are both made from metal as shown in Figure 1. These metal implants have been used in total hip replacement (THR) surgeries and hip resurfacing procedures. Because of metal's durability, MoM devices were expected
copper and wood. With the development of science and technology, Present prosthetic is made of
BioClear is a manufacturing company that manufactures skin products. It started as a small business in 1956 selling its products door to door and grew as a large company that distributes its products nationwide. It was started by two women Dr MT Tshabalala and Mrs R Walton. BioClear has been in business for 59 years. The business environment has been changing externally because of increasing competition in the market as a result the company has not been performing well in the last financial year and specialists in the purchasing department have been challenged to improve the performance through purchasing innovation and quality management.
conjunction with the human body, which plastics are used in prosthetic limbs, and if there
Consequently, I was involved in the mechanical testing of bioceramic endodontic materials with regards to their physical properties and hydration behavior. Also, I am participating in an ongoing Micro-CT study to evaluate the quality of root filling using different filling techniques and sealers.
body. The most common use would be the generation of cells and tissues that could be