
Bio Materials Advantages And Disadvantages

Decent Essays

BIO-MATERIALS: Bio-materials are one of the most vital materials that are used in the medicine industry in recent times. These materials are basically classified under this class, since they perform or modify the natural function in an individual. These materials can be used on most of the living creatures with a few modifications. These materials are used vastly for dental implants and dental surgeries. They are manufactured in such a way so that they can adapt quickly to the changes inside the body. This is a great advantage, since the body gets used to these materials much faster and does not term it as a foreign body. Bio-materials are also used in drug delivery inside the blood stream, for which they enter the blood circulatory system and reach the point where they release the drug in order to cure the specified disease. Apart from that, bio-materials have a large scale use for the manufacturing of artificial Hip joints, Contact lenses, artificial ligaments, tendons and bone plates, as well as, dental implants.[1] As observed from the vast uses the material has, it is evident that these bio-materials must have variable properties for different applications. Hip joints must be made of a material which can with stand a load without fracturing, in this case Titanium plates are used due to their high strength and inert behavior [1] …show more content…

These are composed of numerous nano particles in their structure and have an average diameter of less than 50nm. Nano powders are used in drug delivery around the body, due to their high surface area is to volume ratio. Apart from that they are used in specialized paints and glazes, as their structure consists of uniformly distributed nano particles. Due to their uniformity and constant particle size [2], these nano powders have an excellent ability to disperse solution and liquids. This leads to a uniform flow of the liquid and the formation of a constant

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