
Binge Eating Disorder Case Study

Decent Essays

Andrea exhibits symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder as she meets most of the criteria listed in the DSM-5. Client does most of her eating in private so as to be unobserved by others. She feels very ashamed of her weight and lacks a sense of control when it comes to her eating. Client will eat until feeling uncomfortably full and then fall asleep. Andrea never feels hungry because she is eating so much that she has lost all semblance of a meal structure and constantly feels depressed as a result of her eating habits. Binge eating occurs at least once a week, on average, for three months. Client’s binge eating is not associated with the recurrent use of inappropriate compulsory behavior.
Andrea is a college-educated woman in her mid-20’s. Andrea disclosed little of her family history but mentioned having said …show more content…

Andrea divorced in her 20’s because of, what she believes, to be complications related to her eating issues. Andrea gained a significant amount of weight during and after her honeymoon that sparked arguments between she and her husband. Andrea has shared these issues with different therapists but mostly this ends in suggestions for more diets or weight management techniques. Andrea has yet to receive therapy that uncovers the root cause of her eating issues. Writer will remain aware that cultural implications may be at play as Andrea is subject to an unrealistic body image ideal being a young, American woman.
In order to remain ethically sound when treating Andrea I would avoid medication to start. Andrea has not yet received proper psychotherapy that will uncover nuclear family issues that may have contributed to her eating disorder. Andrea was excessively teased in elementary school which contributes to her feelings of guilt and shame further complicating her desire to get help. Her relationship

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