
Binge Drinking Statistics

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Scale and Statistics of Binge Drinking:
The Foundation for a Drug Free World (2017) determines that binge drinking is the action of ingesting high volumes of alcohol in a short period of time, which can be usually outlined as five or more drinks for a man, and four or more drinks for a woman in one sitting.The foundation (2017) also states that alcohol is the leading cause of death in teenagers internationally, when compared to all other drugs combined. With 32% of youth binge drinkers being illicit substance users as well.
My Virtual Medical Centre (myVMC, 2016) identifies that binge drinking has significantly increased since 2004, as now approximately 18% of Australian adults engage in binge drinking once a week, while back in 2004, approximately …show more content…

One risk factor of binge drinking is the alcohol use of peers, and being peer pressured into consuming high amounts of alcohol. As claimed by DrinkWise (2017), peer pressure can lead individuals, especially teenagers to do things that they usually wouldn’t do, and stop them from doing something they would want to do. Peer pressure can confront the individual’s views and morals of what is right and wrong. This is significantly evident in the youth when alcohol is involved, which is due to young people wanting to have a sense of belonging, and wanting to be liked and accepted by their peers. Therefore falling into the pressure of binge drinking in order to fit in with the people around themselves that like to binge …show more content…

The foundation for a Drug Free World (2017) outlines the effects of binge drinking for an individual, including drowsiness, vomiting, and liver disease. Valley Sleep Centre (2016) suggests that alcohol causes drowsiness, due to alcohol’s sedative effect (substance that relieves anxiety and helps you fall asleep). On the other hand, New Health Advisor (2014) exclaims that vomiting is caused by the excessive consumption of alcohol, and it is the reaction to get rid of the extreme amount of alcohol in the body’s system. Alcoholic cirrhosis, a type of liver disease is considered by Patient (2015) to be when the liver loses its capability to function efficiently, and is caused by around 10 years of heavy

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