
Binge Drinking In Australia

Good Essays

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug in Australia (The Australian Drug Foundation, 2014). The term binge drinking is defined as drinking heavily over a short period of time with the intention of becoming intoxicated (, 2009). Binge drinking is spreading across Australia and is now having a greater affect on adolescents. There are things that individuals, schools, families and governments can do in order to minimise binge drinking. The effects that alcohol has on the body depend on a range of thing such as how often you are drinking, the strength of the drink you drink and how much you drink (Dame, 2016). Alcohol has both short-term and long-term effects on the body. Some short-term effects include alcohol poisoning, blackouts, …show more content…

Binge drinking during the teenage years can be a result of parents having drinking problems or just purely from parents not explaining to the kids the damage drinking can have on the body. Parents need to be good role models, even if kids have good role models there is still a chance they will binge drink but if parents are educated and are strict they might minimise the chances of it. Parents need to get educated on the topic. If the government were to hold free session trying to educate parents about alcohol it would be highly recommended that parents attend especially if they are aware that their kids are drinking. Parents are probably not going to be able to stop them drinking but by minimising it they are minimising the chances their kids have of having to deal with the effects of alcohol on the body.

According to the latest figures, the number of Australians drinking at high-risk levels has already doubled this century. Experts say Australians are beginning to drink younger, more often and doing more damage then ever before (Today Tonight, …show more content…

Most schools offer health as a subject but binge drinking is not emphasised enough and as students get older the subject becomes optional which means student are likely not to take it but it is in the older ages that the children are going out to parties and binge drinking. Binge drinking is having a large effect on teenagers across Australia.

Teenagers binge drinking on the weekends is affecting their education as some are coming to school with bad hangovers. “Students who used alcohol and other drugs came to school late, tired, and often with a poor attitude, the principals said”. Australian teacher said that it was harder to teach those who had big weekends (ABC News, 2014).

The Northern Territory government could look at offering talks in order to educate parents hoping that they go away and consider their child’s behaviour. If the parents aren’t educated then they may not see a problem with what their child is doing. Once they are educated they can give their child the opportunity to live a better lifestyle with minimal drinking in order to reduce the long term effects it could have on their

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