
Binary Tattoo Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

The topic I choose to do my research about is the term binary tattoo. But, what does a binary tattoo means? After breaking the term into two words, we get binary which means something made of or based on two things or parts, in this case, it means a binary number system according to Merriam-Webster dictionary. The second part is a tattoo; a tattoo means something permanent that you put on your body. If we combined the two words we get what is called a binary tattoo. (Merriam-Webster, 2015) A binary tattoo is all the digital information about the person himself that is online, such as the messages that the person sends, the pictures he post, the likes, dislikes, comments even the shares that he does, basically everything done on a digital device makes the person's online identity. (Binary Tattoo, 2015) But, does a digital identity affect someone’s professional identity? Yes, it does if the person has a public account online, he must be responsible for everything he write, record or upload, because the digital identity represents a huge part of someone’s personality, which can …show more content…

Although that digital identity can have a bad effects on the person's life it also can impact the chances he might have in the future depending on the way he used his digital identity, for example instead of sharing personal daily routine that does not mean anything, he can share his knowledge and the experiences he lived which can offer him good chances in getting a job, from the way he presents him self as a qualified, having a good work experience and knowledge which can make people want to know more about what he know and admire his knowledge , also going online can make a person change his career path to what they are really passionate about, like switching jobs from a company employee to a stand-up comedian or a traveler that shears his experience with his followers. (هويتك_تمثلك,

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