
Bill Of Rights Debate

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America’s history is filled with constant arguing, debating, and bickering. Because America is so diverse and full of people with differing opinions, it is important that everyone is given a voice. The Bill of Rights is opened with the 1st amendment, which consists of the freedom of speech, religion, petition, press, and assembly. These are the cornerstones of American society, and the freedom to assemble has guided America to where it is today. This promise was a direct response to many events in colonial America, has been defended in court as shown is the case of the Village of Skokie vs. the National Socialist Party, and was pushed to its limit at the White Nationalist Rally in Charlottesville, yet the persistence of this right proves how controversy succumbs to the freedom of expression. Although it may seem as though the founding fathers predicted the future of America with the 1st amendment, they were actually responding to the oppressions they faced at the hands of the British as well as conflicts within the nation’s own borders. According to the Government and Constitution Organization, a foundation meant to make America’s politics easy to understand, this amendment was written due to the oppression of British leaders who would often suppress “free speech and the right to have …show more content…

Based explicitly off events in Britain- such as the coercive acts- and Shay’s rebellion in America, the freedom to peaceably assemble was crafted. The Village of Skokie vs. the National Socialist Party proved that even the most toxic of views are protected under the freedom to assemble. Despite protecting the freedom to express all views, once a protest turns violent, as it did in Charlottesville, it becomes criminal. The Bill of Rights is vital to America and its citizens, and the freedom to assemble promises to all of America’s citizens that they can- and will- be

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