
Bill Galatians, Jesus Set Boundaries?

Decent Essays

Biblical Boundaries The idea of setting boundaries can be seen since the early Christian days, with Jesus Himself setting boundaries. Boundaries, in general, are meant to show where you end and another begins, keeping the good in, the bad out and helping us determine what we are and are not responsible for. From a young age children are taught to set boundaries, such as telling someone no if they are uncomfortable or cannot do something when someone asks. Having healthy boundaries helps one care for themselves. God uses boundaries to prevent evil things from coming in, just as we should use boundaries to keep ourselves guarded both personally and in the Psychology profession. Boundaries show us what we are responsible for, and they show us what we are not responsible for and help avoid becoming burnt out by taking on more than you can handle. In Galatians, 6:5 and 6:22, we are told to be responsible for our own load and to help others when their burdens are too heavy. In Bill Gaultiere’s article, Jesus Set Boundaries, he explains that with good healthy boundaries one is better able to “offer empathy and love to others” because “you have a stable foundation to operate from and are not distracted or depleted by personal insecurities or blind spots”. Without healthy boundaries other’s problems can weigh someone down so boundaries help one remain healthy, so they can help others effectively. Jesus helped others without burnout because he accepted his limitations and

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