Bill Clinton’s Decline A tragic hero is a person who is adored or praised by the public eye but then chooses an action that eventually leads to his or her’s own destruction. These kind of heroes have been around for an extreme amount of time. A tragic hero is most commonly heard of in a novel or epic, but there have been many historical tragic heroes throughout the real world. Every continent, every country, and even every state has had at least one real life tragic hero in their midst. The United State’s dealt with a tragic hero when they elected former president Bill Clinton into office. Clinton, who use to be known for his intelligence and great speaking abilities, is now known for his scandalous acts in the White House. Bill …show more content…
He was able to raise the income for the bottom twenty percent of the workforce. In 1996, Clinton encouraged and won an increase for minimum wage employment (Ryan).
Many say Clinton was capable of doing all this by his savvy speaking abilities and intelligence. Clinton was known for having one of the highest IQs as a president and thought to be a great speaker. He was able to easily alter and adapt other politician 's words to get the information he wanted across (James). Clinton’s acclaimed speaking abilities helped him move the nation into to better times.
Clinton was a major key in moving forward the race relations. He helped support the diverse equality in the United States and showed that any person can do what they set out to accomplish. Clinton’s staff was recognized as being one of the most diverse groups the country had seen during his time in office. Ambassadors, federal judges, cabinet secretaries, U.S. attorneys, and U.S. marshals were appointed to many minorities. Clinton even set out to try and make up for past wrong doings to the black community. He was part of a settlement that awarded black farmers billions of dollars because of discrimination in the government’s farm loan program (Ryan). Clinton helped start the more diverse government in Washington and his accomplishment is still moving forward.
Clinton not only improved the United State’s race relations and started an economic boom, but he also tried as much as he could to bring peace to other
Tragic heros have to start out as a success, making them a ‘hero’ and they usually have some sort of outstanding quality or greatness. Then, they experience a downfall and that could be associated with a flaw that this person has, giving them the ‘tragic’ characteristic. At the end of it all, the downfall will have had a huge impact, not only on the ‘tragic hero’ but the people around them. Britney Spears is a perfect example of a tragic hero. She started becoming famous at the very young age of 11. After this, her popularity was already very high, so she decided to release her first album. She truly was a huge celebrity. Then in 2007 things started to go downhill for her. She started doing things she was not proud of until it pushed her to
A tragic hero is a person of high rank, who accepts his or her downfall with dignity. A tragic hero also has to have four qualities to be considered a tragic hero. One, the person must be high born(royalty/high class). Two, he or she must have experienced a tragic flaw. Three, their tragic flaw causes them to have a downfall. Lastly, he or she must have an catharsis; realizes too late the error of his or her choices.
Though Marion Barry faced many obstacles, he was able to change the black community in several ways. Even though many people judged him for previous mishaps, he had many hopes and concerns for African Americans.
William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re-elected to a second term as President. Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in office. They liked what he was doing for the country and supported him no matter what. Bill Clinton was an important president in American history, even through his personal scandals and broken promises.
A tragic hero is an influential character who experienced a privileged life, partook in a rise to fame or fortune, then declined due to a flaw in personality or life decision. Whitney Houston was a one-of-a-kind singer who stole hearts across America. She is a perfect example of a tragic hero, due to her amazing vocal talent, influential role in teaching America that everyone has flaws and embracing individuality is the key to success, and her ultimate decline in health and fame due to alcoholism, drug abuse, and poor marital decisions.
Bill Clinton was a leader worthy to be serving as president of the united states of America. He cared about everyone and anyone. He fought for equal rights no matter your class. Even though on the road to success there were bumps along the way. He stood up to them in the right way.
Perhaps one of Clinton’s greatest accomplishments in office was the economic success America enjoyed due to his legislative actions throughout his two terms. By creating policies and acts aimed at supporting and expanding the middle class as well as balancing the federal budget, Clinton was able
Barack Obama has many achievements and will be remembered well in history. In the past year, Obama took action that directly affected the black community. High incarceration rates, police brutality, healthcare, and education were some of the issues he addressed.
In 1992, William Clinton ran for President on the democratic ticket. His thoughts for the country were to create many jobs, lower taxes for the middle class, and help national health insurance. Although many people attacked him about an incident when he evaded military service and then tried to cover it up, he won the run and choose Senator Al Gore as his vice-president. He beat Republican Bush and Independent party Perot. President Clinton would be reelected again and he would have many issues while in his last term (DeGregorio 3).
Captivating heroes like Batman and Robin have become inspirational figures of modern day society that people love, but do they really dive into how tragic their lives really are? What happened to the truly emotional stories of tragedy rather than 15 minutes of non-important backstory? These heroes had done great things in their life, but fell gracefully from power due to selfish inhibitions and get remembered for how their mess up affected everyone else in the vicinity. Why can’t stories be as tragic as Sophocles’ Oedipus the King? He was a true tragic hero that saved his city and fell due to several flawed character traits. His drop from power came about because of his sense of hubris and ignorance to the presence of facts around him. People’s lives in the media should invoke more tragedy and suffering, making the character more relatable due to his flaws. While this doesn’t happen often, there are a few characters, like Duncan Dewey, that possess traits that make them tragic heroes.
During Bill Clinton's presidency many changes happened, but the most noticeable is the technological revolution. The United States was embracing technology and what it offered to so many. It was a time to set aside the paper and pencil, and purchase a computer, a computer could be used to store information in a digital format. Information was becoming easily accessible at your finger tips, the internet could be used to look up all sorts of information. People were using cell phones and considering cellular devices as a necessity. As America recovered from the Ronald Reagan recession, the country began to embrace the information age. The United States did not only embrace this change, but led the world in this change. America led the world in
According to Godwin (2009), during Bill Clinton's initial annual message, economic status of the US was a major issue that stood out. He linked the relatively poor economic growth for the US with little productivity, budget insufficiency, low growth, sluggish increase in wages, and excessive healthcare costs among others. Bill Clinton outlined crucial elements of his economic strategy which included shifting emphasis from expenditure to investment, improving the tax code, making the public policy to favor families and laborers, reducing budget deficits, reducing government expenditure, and creating jobs for the American citizens (Godwin, 2009). Bill Clinton was also in favor of the international trade and was committed to the North America Free Trade Agreement
Clinton impressed people with the idea of a family man in office. He was focused and charismatic. Better economy was what the American people wanted so that is what his goal was. During his reign he went through more scandals and controversies than any other president. He was impeached, yet despite all, he was loved by America. Our economy prospered and we had better diplomatic relations. The American people wanted change for the better and so they elected William Jefferson Clinton for their forty-second president of the United States of America.
Do you know what a tragic hero is? If not, a tragic hero is a person of noble birth with heroic qualities. They also have a tragic flaw that leads to their downfall. Do you believe tragic heroes are good for the society? That’s wrong if anyone does believe that. Tragic heroes are bad for the society. Even though they try to make things right, they always find some way to ruin the society. Tragic heroes aren’t needed in modern society because they bring tragedy, and have a negative impact on the society, even though they bring a new perspective to people.
These factors contributed to how Barack Obama, our first African American president was elected to be the Forty Fourth of this great nation. He then followed up on winning the electoral campaign for a second term. Obama achieved that by understanding all those key factors to winning over the peoples vote allowing the Democratic Party to take office. During his time in office Obama focused his attention on equality in Americas systems in the broadest definition. Views on equality vary from each president to the next, but Obama strived for equality in a broader sense then the rest. President Obama focused on equality for homosexuals in the military with the “Don’t ask Don’t tell “law passed as well as other monumental laws regarding freedom of choice. Following that, President Obama wanted equality in the working forces for fair pay for those overworked and underpaid. As well as going as far as immigration policies, a subject he was passionate about, wanting to open America’s arms to immigrants and allow them to work and live here in the United