
Bill Clinton My Favorite President

Decent Essays

President William Jefferson Clinton is known for several things that allow him to be considered one of the greats in his lifetime. In the same, he is also known as being a disgrace to the presidency by many. President Clinton is the second president to be impeached in history. In this essay, I'll explain to you why William Clinton is my favorite United States President.

President William Clinton, also known as Bill Clinton, was born in the year 1964. Initially named William Clinton Blythe, he was born in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. Due to his father dying in a car crash his mother moved to New Orleans, Louisiana to attend nursing school. President Clinton stayed with his grandparents. Clinton gives his grandparents the credit …show more content…

Around 1952 President Clinton's mother relocated to Hot Springs, Arkansas from Hope, Arkansas. This is where Clinton became a Baptist during his young life. Clinton enjoyed gospel music. He began playing the jazz saxophone. By the time he graduated from high school, many considered him the best saxophonist within the city. Clinton did not live an easy life by far. At the age of 14, the President had to put on his big boy pants and intervene in his mother's abusive relationship. Forcing the abuse to stop, as young Clinton stood six foot tall, Mrs. Clinton later filed for divorce.

Clinton attended boys state as a Junior in hHot Springs, Arkansas. It was then he was afforded the opportunity to meet President John F. Kennedy. Clinton also got a chance to meet J Williams Fulbright. Stated himself, "Fulbright, I admired to no end... he had an impact on my wanting to be a citizen of the world."

After graduation, Clinton went to Georgetown University. Internal Affairs was his field of study. In 1968, Clinton received a scholarship to Oxford University. Shortly after arriving to Oxford University, Clinton was drafted. However, he didn't serve in the military. Clinton detoured by enrolling in ROTC at University of Arkansas Law School. Clinton didn't attend law school; yet, he returned to Oxford

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