
Bildungsroman In 'The Kite Runner'

Decent Essays

Bildungsroman - The Kite Runner Have you ever had a single event in your life that made you feel as if you had finally matured enough to become an adult? Some of you may say yes, while some of you might still be searching or waiting for that moment to come. Personally, I believe I have had that moment in my life where I went from a young high school boy to a mature adult. That moment was when my sister got in an almost fatal car accident, and all I could do was stand on the side of the road. I was standing 20 feet from her car as the process of rescuing her went on. I made it my job to call whoever needed to be called, and let them know what was happening. It’s amazing how one event can affect your life in such a dramatic way. In the blink of an eye, your whole life can change before you. Stories or novels can have the same affect on characters as they do people. One novel that you can relate a dramatic event to is The Kite Runner. Amir sees something as a child that will affect him for the rest of his life; this, is the moment Amir started to mature and change into an adult. …show more content…

He saw his half-brother, his best friend, his servant being raped by another boy his age. To anyone, this would be a dramatic event in their life. When Amir saw what was happening, he didn’t do anything; he didn’t know what he could do to help his best friend. He felt guilt, selfishness, and unhappiness in the years to come. It takes him until the age of 40 to finally tell someone what he saw and what happened that

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