
Bilc Curriculum

Decent Essays
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When developing our curriculum, to ensure our program would offer quality educational outcomes; I created a Venn diagram that conveyed the interconnection of:
BYLC’s mission, vision and values.
The core knowledge, understanding, skills and values outlined in Melbourne Declaration.
The Australian Curriculum’s (AC) learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities.

Due to the disengaged nature of our students, I surmised, that the AC’s general capabilities provide an excellent structure for the life-skilling programs we implement at BYLC. Therefore, I mapped the AC’s English and Mathematics content descriptors to the Literacy and Numeracy general capabilities as a basis for our modified curriculum.

Applying the knowledge I gained while working as an early intervention behavioural therapist for children with ASD, I have initiated and facilitated Functional Behaviour Analysis (FBA) as means of collecting and analysing data on students who exhibit difficult behaviours. I have directed staff in collecting data on a student who was displaying on-going anti-social behaviours and performed an FBA. I deduced the motivation behind many behaviours was to gain attention from adults. To lessen his need to …show more content…

Setting short and achievable tasks.
Providing ongoing constructive feedback throughout the class.

In addition to this, I have conducted Child Behaviour Checklists (CBCL) with the teachers and parent of a child who was displaying behaviours indicating a Social Emotional Disorder. This information was provided to the student’s doctor so she could make a referral to a psychologist as part of his Mental Health Treatment Plan.

To better direct our school-based positive behaviour strategies, I have also used the principles of FBA to modify the school’s incident report form to gather behavioural data. In particular, I included sections to collect data on:
Preceding events

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