
Bigfoot Research Papers

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Refusing to accept the possibility that the Bigfoot could be closely related to humans the results were always explained away as “human contamination” by the scientific community. In fact, these were most likely legitimate Bigfoot samples yielding human DNA. It is statistically improbable that the scores of samples tested over the years were all contaminated. If even one was legitimate, then we have some groundbreaking findings that validate the findings of the DNA Study.

When Dr. Ketchum analyzed the mtDNA contained in the skin tags of the Bigfoot hair every sample tested human. The point cannot be stressed enough, non-human hair yielded HUMAN mtDNA. When you link the eyewitness testimony of a large hairy bipedal hominid leaving the hair, in my opinion, …show more content…

The results: All 111 screened samples revealed 100% human cytochrome b. Furthermore, no heteroplasmic bases were found that would indicate contamination or a mixture. Heteroplasmy is defined as the presence of more than one mitochondrial genome within a tissue sample from a single individual. No heteroplasmic bases were found, the mtDNA was from a single source, therefore contamination is impossible.

mtDNA complete genome sequencing and HV region (haplotype) sequencing results

In order for one to understand the following results the term haplotype must be defined. A haplotype is the group of genes that a child inherits from the mother. Like haplotypes are grouped together and assigned a letter from the alphabet. This grouping is called a haplogroup. HV region sequencing will give the haplotype of the individual.

Thirty hair samples that had ample skin tags were selected for mtDNA complete genome sequencing and for HV region sequencing to determine the haplogroup of the samples. The samples were sent to Family Tree DNA for sequencing. The source of the samples was withheld from Family Tree

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